You know you're an apostate when...

by MsMcDucket 42 Replies latest social humour

  • RichieRich
    Methinks our young Richie came along too late to know your avatar...

    Richie, for your edification: and

    I do apologize, however, when I see madonna, i think of blondie anyway...

  • AuldSoul

    np, richie!

    You know you're an apostate when... read the letters to the BOEs before the POs in most congregations. have read information most BOEs never get access to. congratulate people for leaving the religion you grew up in. put clown noses and clown hats on pictures of Slobbering Body members (((sKally)))

  • tetrapod.sapien
    tetrapod.sapien morning you notice that JWD has been coming before your first daily coffee for a while now.

  • AlmostAtheist

    ... you feel closer to strangers you meet on the street than you did to "the friends" you had at the Hall.

    ... you're afraid to call anyone a "friend" because you don't want to risk cheapening the word again.

    ... you spontaneously smile at 730pm on Tuesday's and Thursday's because of what you're NOT doing.

    ... you've seriously considered eating blood 'just because you can'

    ... you've ever been disappointed to realize you've run out of DF'able offenses you haven't tried yet.

    ... you've ever read the phrase "wood atoms"

  • Finally-Free

    You know you're an apostate when the image below causes you to sweat profusely, twitch uncontrollably, and run away from your computer screaming.

  • cruzanheart

    You can decorate your Christmas tree without starting a "how to" thread first.

    You turn up "It's My Life" by Bon Jovi to the max as you pass the Witness house used for Saturday morning meeting for service, seeing all the drones trudging to their cars, while YOU are going home with hot donuts and Starbucks for a relaxing morning at home with your family.

    Your JW (but almost out) friend asks YOU what the big announcement is going to be at the next meeting because she knows you get it first on JWD!


  • Honesty

    You eagerly plan for Saturday mornings activities.

  • AuldSoul


    That was just MEAN! I finally got the sweating and twitching under control after I was able to stop running and screaming.


  • mark hughes
    mark hughes

    You think that the Monty Python film "The Life Of Brian" is the true story of the messiah.

    You start visiting historical churhes on your annual holiday.

    You buy an Iron Maiden album on vynal and try listening to it backwards.

  • ColdRedRain

    You watch Adult Swim without thinking anything of it.

    You bang your toes against something hard and you say something other than "Aww shoot".

    You know the Bible all the way from "In the beginning" to "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen." but you don't believe in it.

    1914's just the year that Archduke Ferdinand got shot.

    You only forsee the end of the world coming if a presidential canidate from the opposing party wins the election.

    You think nothing of eating blutenwurst other than "God damn, these Germans can't cook".

    You can listen to an opposing view without going into bodily shock.

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