What always strikes here on JWD is the number of posters who completely and entirely doubt the JW theology, reject the majority of the teachings and "rules", express their boredom and frustration at having to attend meetings and conventions and yet, still, continue to keep up the facade of attending the meetings, going out in service, essentially choosing to 'live a lie'.....
Now, I understand fully the complications around leaving such an organization especially concerning family, BUT, for gods sake people, it would take the most extreme, extraordinary circumstances to keep somebody inside a duplicitous, controlling cult when at any time, you DO have the freedom to just walk away.......we are all free moral agents capable of escaping the WTS so I humbly ask,
1) how and why do you keep up the facade? Do your circumstances really justify lying to yourself and family?
2) Are you aware you are just prolonging the misery of yourself and family by living this illusion?
3) Do you think that by delaying your escape you are simply getting deeper and deeper into the WTS web and ultimately making the final step all the more complicated?
Finally, I think there comes point when we need to realize that are limitations are self-imposed and regardless of circumstances, it is always a possibility to exit the borg, healthy happy and true to oneself.