
by Narkissos 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Narkissos

    I was thinking of an approximate reversal of force's thread (http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/14/105552/1.ashx):

    If something happened which proved beyond any doubt that God (or gods) cannot exist, silencing forever all claims for realistic belief in an objective divinity, shattering even the uncertainty of agnosticism, would you start being interested in theology?


    (N.B. I don't mean to discuss the probability of the assumption: it is very unlikely.)

  • freedomlover

    of course I would....

    it's human nature to question and challenge and advance ourselves whether mentally, physically, materially, etc.

    if the huge, grand, idea of "ALMIGHTY GOD" was a theory that was relatively unexcepted as compared to evolution/atheism, I do think the majority of mankind would be interested in it.

    try to see if it was a sustainable idea.

    but who knows. the idea of theology is so emotionally connected to people that the supposed real basis behind theology has been lost in IMO.

    people like their emotional connections. makes us feel safe and secure in an uncertain world. the idea of "god vs no-god" could both hold the same emotional impact for humans. "god" is just the way the human race has chosen to go at this period of time.

  • IMustBreakAway

    God can't exist because of the babel fish remember?

    God says, I refuse to prove i exist because proof denies faith and without faith i am nothing.

    Man says, But what about the babel fish, i mean thats pretty much a dead giveaway isn't it?

    God says, Oh yea. And dissapears into a puff of logic.

    Then man proves black is white and gets killed in the next zebra crossing.

  • AlmostAtheist

    Nark, are you asking if a person could KNOW there was no God, would that spark in him an interest in theology? It's not that you weren't clear, I'm just not sure I understand why one would cause interest in the other. (Unless I have a mediocre definition of theology -- "The study of the nature of God and religious truth; rational inquiry into religious questions")

    Can you 'splain it to me?


  • Forscher

    Okay, I'll give you folks a little teaser here.
    If some race of creatures showed up in their spaceships in such a public manner that their existence is undeniable, all of us believers would have to reexamine our beliefs, period. some wouldn't, just the same if the opposite, which many Atheists demand were to occur. I, however, would be compelled to rethink some things. I have no trouble admitting that.
    By the same token, if I were alive when a space probe from earth discovered sentient life on another planet, then I would be forced to rethink a few things as well. I think that is just as reasonable as what many materialists demand in the way of evidence concerning the existence of a supreme being.

  • Narkissos


    Nark, are you asking if a person could KNOW there was no God, would that spark in him an interest in theology?

    Yes, silly as it may seem (or be) that's what I meant.

    Ancient mythology has been fascinating long after people had stopped believing in the actual existence of the gods. Actually it was all the more interesting from the moment it was not a living belief anymore. It became an enduring inspiration for philosophy, literature, etc. -- not to mention history of thought.

    As long as a significant part of mankind actually believes in the monotheistic "God," this "God" is practically barred from such a fruitful cultural prospect. Each time an atheist refers metaphorically to "God" s/he is open to the misunderstanding of actual belief. And for this reason any philosophical or literary construction is impossible (at least on the public level), for it will end up in the sempiternal and vain discussion about the actual existence of "God".

    I don't doubt that many current "believers" would lose interest in theology if such actual belief in "God" became impossible. But I think on the other hand philosophers and poets would quickly "resurrect" him.

    The afterlife of gods is sometimes more interesting than their biography.

  • jaffacake


    Yes. Very much so. Much the same as I became interested in JWism, to the extent that my wife occasionally tells me it is an obsession, only after I found out they were mistaken about 99% of their beliefs. When I thought they were just another form of Christianity, I couldn't conjure up the slightest interest. Now I like to know what makes them tick...why they believe in things that any level of serious investigation would easily disprove, if only they were allowed to look...

  • AlmostAtheist

    OK, I get it now. No, I wouldn't be interested in that. I'm only interested in JWism as a means to help others out of it. And I'm only interested in the Bible as a means of discrediting it, for my own decision about whether to follow it or not.

    But I'm glad others have an interest in theology!


  • Hellrider

    If God stuck his hand out of the sky (like in the painting...), I would bow down, worship and never sin again. Of course, it wouldn`t be a matter of faith anymore, then, and "religion" wouldbe drastically changed. Perhaps there wouldn`t even be something called religion anymorem because religions is something that has its primary characteristic of faith. So, instead we would have to dead with a reality. And consider this: If God suddenly revealed himself to man,and lets say he said "there will be no more death, I grant you eternal life right now...now go, and sin no more"...do you think that you wouldn`t get really bored and sick of having that "boss" hanging over your head all the time? I mean, wouldn`t there be a day when you would get sick of it, and go "screw you God, Ì`m gonna do whatever I want to! And I don`t mean go on a kill-and-rape-rampage, I`m gonna just continue doing the things in my life, but I`m gonna do them for myself, and if I feel like swearing, I`m gonna fu##ing do it!" ...Not sure what I`m trying to say here...but I guess I`m saying that if God suddenly revealed himself, I`m not sure it would turn our lives to the better...

  • mark hughes
    mark hughes

    No . I'm with almostathiest on this, but i'm what he is almost. I like riddles!

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