Reasons to suck up to the CO
Do you want to be a MS
Do you want to be an elder
Do you want to be a regular pioneer
Do you want to go to Bethel/Gilead
Do you want to have a part on the assembly or convention
Do you want an administrative position at the assembly/convention
Do you want an administrative position on the regional building committee
Do you want to be a substitute CO
Do you want to get a different answer to a "scriptural" question than the one the local elders provide
Do you want someone to referee a personality conflict in the congregation
Do you want preferential treatment or pressure brought to bear on a judicial matter involving you or a family member
Do you want as an elder to advance your agenda over another elder's on the body
And so on
Then you need to spend time around him, wine and dine him (and his wife), toot your own horn, get your friends to do the same, cash donations work wonders, show him what a wonderful preacher and teacher you are, get your wife and children to pioneer, take off from work during the CO visit and auxiliary pioneer (even though you only get in 7 hours/month otherwise)....
(I will add that I have known of COs who know that they are being patronized and don't like it. By the 2nd trip around the congregations, they have everyone figured out)