Elders meeting tonight?????? Need advice???

by MrMoe 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Winston


    Try not to let your imagination ruin your well being, I wouldn't worry as yet it does't seem to be any thing that the elders are planning to do against you so stay calm, and don't let your imagination get the best of you.

    It could possible be that your father is not the loyal JW you think he is, and he may not be turning you in.

    I used to know a lot of elders like that, that is, they would rather try to help their own families by themselves and not subject them to a full blown JC, if they help it.

    It could be your father knows a JC wouldn't help you at this time and may not wish their help.

    Sit tight and don't let fear rob you of peace of mind.

    Been in your shoes, and I know how we can get paranoid real quick.

    Former elder turned apostate (by WT definition)[:)}and proud of it!

  • Bridgette

    Mr Moe,
    Sweety! My heart goes out to you. Just the fact that "they" can inspire such nervousness (FEAR, REALLY), is a reminder that "no thank you, I never want to be subjected to that kind of 'love' again!" This whole thing is probably nothing. But if it is (and I know the thought of losing your family's love-albeit conditional-is terrifying) but you will survive. You are strong. Just look at you. I've read some of your posts--you're a fighter (just read the abortion thread --yikes! :) and a survivor. Sometimes a clean cut, frightening as it seems, takes far less time to heal. Like a wound that's cauterized.
    Release and be at peace--no matter what happens. Rest knowing that you are loved. You are loved and valued by those here and you are loved by your daughter and you are loved by the universe (your Creator).
    Be still and know that I am God....
    Be still and know......
    Be still.....
    Love and Peace,
    Bridgette :)



    "Do you, or do you not accept that this is Jehovah's Organization?"

    1. To the extent that Jehovah uses this Organization, it must be his.
    2. I can think of no other organization that could be called Jehovah's Organization.
    3. Of course this is Jehovah's Organization, for no other Organization claims to be his exclusive channel of truth.

    Another suggestion?

    "Without a doubt I believe that the organization is Jehovah's whose teachings and beliefs and code of conduct hold strictlyand unwaveringly to scripture --without going beyond, wherein there is no clergy/laity distinction but whose shepherds --including its gb-- treat Jesus' flock as tenderly and compassionately as he did his disciples, and whose members, including its overseers, demonstrate among themselves the uniquely identifying mark of true Christians as taught by Jesus." [8>]
    (or, a la the TMS written review canned standard, "... a substance thereof.")


  • MrMoe

    Well- thanks sooo much for the advice. I am who I am, I no longer consider myself a JW so I am not going to act like a JW - feed people lines of Bullshit. I won't meet with them in a meeting at any costs (at least this is how I feel so far,) but I will use the sentece in casual conversation:

    "3. I have no doubts whatsoever about the meaning of the year 1914, (it was a load of bullshit) and I am content to wait on the Organization for further progressive insight (which is more bullshit.")

    As far as my hugh profile, yes, a LOT of people know me in the district/circiut, but the way the internet is - can they prove I am who I say I am?

  • Farkel


    The only power they have over you is the power you give them to have power over you. Take that power away and they are dickless.


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