I thought it was Kiera Knightly you were after Diamondblue, bit of a ladies man aint ya
What is something that you consider attractive, and unattractive?
by free2beme 34 Replies latest jw friends
Of course I am....Keira Knightly is much too skinny and I shouldve never dumped Helen...I will always regret it, I just hope she forgives me....
Looks are important and all that, but I think a terribly attractive quality in a person is the ability to accept the truth. Some people can't. They freak out when faced with something that -- though truthful -- challenges their world view. They react by getting mad, or becoming manipulative in an attempt to subvert this truth and bring reality back in line with their understanding of the world.
If you can find a person that can look at the world as it actually is and deal with it, you've found an attractive person. If you have to lie to get by -- RUN!
why is it that I always see good looking women with good looking men? And why is it that I can never attract a good looking woman? I'm very average looking.
I have a feeling this is like the common question, "Why do all lesbians act & dress like men, and why are all gay men effeminate?" The Bennifer couples are just the ones you notice.
Still, I know there's some truth in your observation. "Beautiful" people who believe "beauty" is important tend not to seek out ordinary-looking people. I'll admit that beauty matters to me, but with the caveat that my standards of beauty are different from other people's.
Now let me explain why I placed "beauty" in quotes:
The pages of Entertainment Tonight, the fashion magazines, and advertising are filled with ciphers. So-called "supermodels" look like stick-insects to me – they actually don't register as female, and definitely don't trigger my "boink" radar. And although I don't like
fatround, plush curves in men, the trim, washboard-bellied male models don't register as people either. I prefer to look at lean, androgynous, long-haired men, with or without a "six-pack", and round, busty women. But the things I've found attractive in real people in the past tend to be quick wit, warm heart, lively intellect, sensuality, joie de vivre. If this is you, being your best self really is the easiest way to get my clothes off.Oh, turn-offs? Besides the usual PC-femme list of bigotry, stupidity, and poor hygeine, I have to add forests and thickets of body hair. I really like the feel of smooth skin. Although some of the best nekkidation I've ever had started by fondling some chest-fur.
While I'm at it, let me just say God bless the Internet – it's made it possible for me to
fall in love with the most ravishing people that I wouldn't have looked at twice on the street.gentlyferal
Country Girl
I guess I've never thought that anyone was really UGLY. Most every person has some nice physical qualities that make them attractive. Sure, there are exceptions to the rule, but most everyone has some nice physical qualities that are attractive. I have never believed that anyone was UGLY, or SCARY, and have always tried to find something nice with each person.