To what extent does the Watchtower want all Witnesses to think alike?

by JH 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist

    Searching on "independent" on the site produced 30 web pages. I looked at about half of them and in every single instance where the word wasn't used to describe something else (like "independent agent" in an insurance article, for instance) it was used negatively. Independence is absolutely a terrible thing in the eyes of the Watchtower.


  • MidwichCuckoo

    I was just reading on another thread that at Assemblies Witnesses are encouraged to wear their name badges outside so they can be 'identified' as JW. With this in mind, it's a wonder that the WTBTS doesn't make them wear standard uniforms so they can be readily identified while out on Service. I think the the R&F would just love it! Of course, Pioneers would wear 1 pip on their shoulders, MS 2, Elders 3 etc.

  • slugga
    With this in mind, it's a wonder that the WTBTS doesn't make them wear standard uniforms so they can be readily identified while out on Service.

    I'd make them wear little caps with propellers on the top

  • Mary

    To what extent? I'd say they'd be happy if we all ended up like this:

  • inbyathread
    I was just reading on another thread that at Assemblies Witnesses are encouraged to wear their name badges outside so they can be 'identified' as JW.

    But they also were counseled for wearing shorts and tank tops with their name badges. Seems the JW uniform is a suit and tie for the men and long dresses for women.

  • daystar

    To the extent that they are able to without causing a mass exodus. Oops! To late!

  • integ
    Blacks not allowed as its associated with Satanists and pink for brothers is definitely out.

    I've never heard that before. Are you joking?


  • RichieRich

    the ONLY time they ever encourage any sort of independent thought / action is when they tell you to consider YOUR circumstances.

    Are YOU doing all you can for Joe?

    Are YOU giving every dime YOU can to Joe's Homie's in NY?

    That's all I've ever heard....

  • JH
    Hi JH

    Hello stranger from down under

  • M.J.

    They really do pay lip service to Romans 14 where it talks about allowing for diversity. But in reality things play out just like they do in any intense group environment. There's an "ideal" promoted group standard and the closer someone fits that image, the higher the regard for that person. What comes to mind is the marine corps (although I'm not an authority on this)...someone who is considered "outstanding" is not someone who slinks by with the minimum requirements but displays an intense enthusiasm in all areas to fit the idealized image.

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