,,1687735,00.html edited to make link clickable ~ Scully
Guardian site
by Peppermint 27 Replies latest jw friends
Thank you!!!
"My website has clear quotes that enable people to study their religion and learn more about it, but the Watchtower wants people to learn about it only on their own terms. My site has been getting 10,000 visitors a month, so you could say I have been more successful in informing people about Jehovah's Witnesses than I ever was when I went round knocking on people's doors."
With his site having hits of 10,000 a month, the WBTS is worried that JW are looking up information privately and they will lose more followers.
Just look at the amount of people on this site who come here and they have learned information or others post articles to read.
Most Christian organisations are only too pleased to spread the Good Word, but the Jehovah's Witnesses have taken an altogether different approach by forcing a Canadian member to close down a website highlighting their beliefs.
This may have something to do with the weirdness of some of the church's views, such as the belief that vaccinations are a cruel hoax by Satan, that organ transplants are the equivalent of cannibalism, that blood transfusions are unbiblical, that God himself edits its magazine, that the Great Pyramid of Giza was "an outline of the plan of God" and that the world would end in 1914. And 1915. And 1918. And 1920. And 1925. And 1940. And 1975. Having learned its lesson, it now believes officially that the end is merely imminent
LoL. Priceless. Thank you Quotes and Stephen Bates!!
Will Power
Excellent article - would other papers pick this up?
wp -
Will Power
I am, right now, sending out emails of this article to many USA papers and news orgs. So we shall see if they do actually pick it up. I also will send it to business sections of news orgs. Plus Wallstreet Journal.
I'm hoping others will send it to their community news orgs as well.
What the WTS wanted--silence and $100,000
What the WTS gets--well-deseved notoriety that is truly priceless