In NYC, there's a case of a little girl who was regularly beaten and "disciplined" y her stepfather with the mother's knowlege, explaining that here 8 (?) year old daughter was at times "insolent and sneaky". Eventually, the man tortured her to death. Poor liitle girl. :( I can't understand how any parent could abuse a poor defenseless child. And I can't understand how a "natural" mother could pardon it. How sick!
How Can A Parent Watch Another Parent Torture A Child To Death?
by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends
Was that the same case where the parents made the child eat cat food?
I am watching CNN right now and I think that is the same case.
Sick! They need to lock them up and throw away the key!
I saw this on the news - apparently she was starved, tied up, and beaten till black and blue. Teachers saw it and social workers had been to the home...their last visit according to the news was on Dec 22nd but there was some sort of issue with them not getting inside or seeing the girl that day. This reminds me of that Steinberg case - it's gotta make you wonder what goes on in a persons mind doesn't it? Pretty sick. sammieswife.
Public crucifiction sounds like a good idea.....
Nixzmary Brown is the little girl. I was reading online the New York Post. And yeah, I read that too about the cat litter and cat food. All the little girl's school chums said she was the sweetest most giving little friend. Here she was starving at home but sharing whatever she had with other kids.
OMG!!! This just sickens me. As a mother of three, there is no way in hell, I'd stand by, and watch my husband do anything of the sort, to ANY of my children. I would take my kids, and get the hell out of there, after I called the authorities on the animal first. There is NO excuse, I don't care how rich or poor, there is never any excuse for a mother to allow that to happen to her babies. The poor little heart is very saddened by this. In my mind, the mother is just as guilty as the stupid father. She deserves to lose her other children, and they certainly deserve a better homelife. May the child rest in peace. I hope the man rots in prison for a very long time. -
In some cases of abuse, only one child is singled out for abuse. Some how the abuser convinces the rest of the family that this person is deserving of the abuse.
Not much different where the WTS convinces family members that one of the family members should be shunned, abused emotionally.
Sometimes the other family members are afraid of being abused themselves if they disregard the abuser's commands regarding treatment of the child being abused.
Abusive caregivers often display certain behaviors as well. Pay special attention to caregivers who single out one or two children for repeated criticism or punishment; use guilt, fear, and threats to control children's behavior; roughly grab or jerk children; or ignore children. Also be alert to caregivers who believe that physical punishment is needed to control behavior or who expect children to meet the caregiver's emotional needs.
This makes me sick when I read about little children being beat, molested and totured. Just wait till the stepfather, Cesar Rodriguez and the mother Nixzaliz Santiago is sent to prison...the inside will have their way with them.
The girl's stepfather, Cesar Rodriguez, accused of binding, beating and molesting her, was arraigned Thursday on charges of second-degree murder, sex abuse and child endangerment. Her mother, Nixzaliz Santiago, was arraigned on second-degree manslaughter and child endangerment charges.
"In some cases of abuse, only one child is singled out for abuse."
Yes, I was going out with a girl whose father abused her older sister and mother but spared her. She was his little girl. She witnessed this terrible abuse, the suffering of her sister and mother at the same time though my girlfriend received love and kindness from him.
I can't tell you how screwed up this girl was. I had to give up on her in the end because I ended up being at the receiving end of her psychosis. She just could not understand kindness or if she could it didn't affect her. She misconstrued most things I said and would verbally attack me and if I didn't like what I heard I could just get out of her place only to be called a couple of days later like nothing had happened to go out and be together. Poor girl.