Making progress

by schne_belly 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ButtLight
    Would this weekend be a good time to invite your parents over to have dinner with us?

    LOL, or how bout when we come in 1 1/2 weeks from now. Do you think they would mind? God, what if they just happened to stop by to say hello, and Im sitting at your din din table.!

  • garybuss

    Here the Witness people looked for reasons to shun me when I was still associating with them. My relatives always were the meanest Witnesses in town. After the newspaper interviewed me in 1996, one Witness wrote me a letter and told me he never liked me when I was a Witness. I gotta get that one framed. It made my point in spades.

  • schne_belly

    Hummmm Benny K and ButtLight....

    I guess I can't speak for my parents. I've talked about our relationship with the 2 of you with my parents before. They don't seem to have a problem with it. How can they?

    Butt-- I was honest with them about having you and your b-friend over next weekend....all my mom said was "Ohh, that's nice". Why lie? You are a great person.... and your friendship is greatly appreciated. My mom can't argue with the fact that pretty much all our "friends" from the hall have left us in the I'm going elsewhere for TRUE friends now.

    Benny K....If you would get together with them, I would keep things lite. They are just tip toeing around on the "other side of the fence" right now.... but I do believe they are open to getting others opinions on matters. Nothing too deep though, If I even mention anything about 1914, or put down the elders, my mom shuts down .... I appreciate your willingness to help us "set them free".

  • schne_belly

    Garybuss -

    Dont worry - the rest of the local JW's do more then their fair share of shunning.

    Funny, our family has the newspaper lined up, ready to go, when they announce of the DFing's Also, the local Fox News station (The newspaper gave us the contact info). Cant wait for it to hit the fan.

  • TallTexan

    Time, opportunity, and heart condition. What we all learned about those who could be 'converts' to JW-ism applies to getting them out. She is definitely on the right track. You now have to tread lightly so as not to push too hard, but keep up a small steady trickle of information to her.

    Congratulations and hang in there...

  • Honesty
    My husband and I both agreed that if she’s even questioning things like this, and reading the BIBLE for what it REALLY is, going above and beyond the Watchtower, it’ll only be a matter of time.

    Now she may do one or more of the following:

    1. Keep reading her Bible and the dots will connect opening her eyes to the reality that either the Watchtower is lying or the Bible is lying.

    2. Start questioning the self-proclaimed authority of the Watchtower.

    3. Ask embarrassing questions that her elders cannot answer from the Bible.

    She is definitely on her way out.

  • greendawn

    It's good to hear that some JWs are not totally fanatical and biased just blindly following the WTS instructions, though we may get the impression that most JW parents fall in that category by what we see on this board.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    This is wonderful, wonderful news!

    I think the best, clearest sign is that they are thinking for themselves and not letting the Org be a subsitute for their conscience.



  • sass_my_frass

    Woohoo!! Bless her heart. She might even grow a little.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    “I won’t leave this religion; I’m not going to throw the baby out with the bath water!”

    If she ever says that - remind her that the baby is the word of God - Not the ranting of the wtbts

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