Hopefully someone has some information on this. I think it is an important question because from recent observation on another JW website, it has come up that some JW Bethelites are suing the WTS in Workers Comp cases after getting injured while at Bethel. This is big news to me since I have a similar case outstanding right now. Witnesses are quick to label anyone suing the society as rebelious and disloyal. But I see no contradiction in any Witness in good standing suing so they can be properly taken care of. Injuries impact a person's ability to fuinction not just while at Bethel, but for the rest of their lives. In Work Comp cases it is referred to as percentage of permanent disability, and every injury is given a ranking as to what percentage of permanent disability the injury has caused, be it a paper cut or loss of a limb. All injuries incur some percentage of permanent disability. Therefore the worker must be compensated for the impact it has on the rest of his life, not just their time at Bethel.
Additionally, it seems quite disingenuous on the Society's part to refuse a workers comp case on the basis of the Bethelite being a voluntary worker and not an employee in the traditional sense because due to the language of the oath one takes when getting baptised, all JWs are quite literally employees of the WTS. In fact, in 1983, the language of the oath was adjusted because the original language did not allow the WTS to legitimately disfellowship anyone. Anyone baptised prior to 1983, who was later disfellowshipped has a good legal basis to sue the Society for defamation of character among other things. The change of 1983 essentially made every Witness an employee, and therefore gave the WTS the right to "fire" anyone for any reason.
All of that aside, why are "Satanic, worldly" companies more appreciative, compassionate and willing to give due compensation to their workers than JWs and the WTS are to theirs? I think we all know it's because the WTS is a cult that is interested in its own wealth and jealously protects the lavish lifestyles of their rich and famous Governing Body.