"How could the dinosaurs have lived in the deserts of the middle east?" He said that about 2 weeks ago. "I knew they were supposed to have lived in Louisianna and Texas but i've become skeptical because they want me to believe they could live in the sands of arabia". Apparently he's unfamiliar with continental drift and the fact that deserts weren't always so. I guess his head would explode if someone informed him that the sahara was once green and parts of the American west were once an inland sea. A few minutes later he went on about how oil spills in the Ocean are no big deal since oil is a natural substance.
Stupid Rush Limbaugh comment
by Vormek2.8 30 Replies latest jw friends
"Stupid Rush Limbaugh comment" Is anything he says not stupid?
No wait i take that back. He did say something once i thought was funny.. "The only way to reduce our nuclear weapon stockpile is to use them."
oh... you mean he wasn't joking..?
Isn't he a drug addict?
This probably belongs in the politics section?
Also, if some are mostly interested in political discussions, there are other websites that might be a better source.
If you are an American conservative/republican/libertarian/hate the clintons, you could check out www.freerepublic.com
If you are an Amercian liberal/democrat/socialist/hate bush, you could check out www.democraticunderground.com
Both have all sorts of people and posters. They range from ignorant, fanatical true believers to the informed, reasonable, yet opinionated. Here we mostly just try to deal with all the JW in our lives.
Regarding Rush and stupid comments; I suppose if you disagree with him politically, just about everything he says would sound stupid. And likewise if you are a conservative he might seem to be the ultimate source.
Regardless, keep in mind that much he says is very tongue in cheek or even schtick. He might have been messing with you. It might make some feel better to imagine that he is simply stupid, but reality is you don't usually get that successful unless you know alot about something. I am not saying he knew what he was talking about in that or in many other instances. But he ain't stupid.
1. Stupid 2. Rush Limbaugh
Those were the first two definitions I found in the dictionary when I looked up the word A**Hole.
Rub a Dub
Rush Limbaugh is backed up by the vast number of scientific publications that quote him.
There is something very wrong about Rush Limbaugh, and ask yourself, "What does he do that is of lasting importance?"
Does he really say anything that is worth remembering the day after he said it?
He has a big ego, and contributes nothing of importance.
AK - Jeff
CYP might have a point. There are forums designed to discuss this kind of thing.
Nonetheless, I have heard comments from most radio talking heads that could be labeled as completely stupid, no matter the stripe. I have also heard comments that could be labeled as solid and intelligent from the same mouth. Just like regular people. Hmmm.... maybe they are just regular people, with opinions, ideas, thoughts, and actions, that range from absurd to inspired. They just happen to have a microphone in front of them when they do so.
Why should this be in the politics section? The comments made were about dinosaures, and oil spills, and the ignorance about these topics that comes forth from Rush Limbaugh.
Rush hates the concept of climate warming. He said on the radio that scientists have an "agenda" in promoting the idea of "global warming".
This only shows that Rusho totally disregards the concept of scientific integrity of thousands of individuals.
Again, nothing of substance really is said on his program.
Despite what he might think of himself, he is a person of little importance.
Everything Rush says is stupid. His waistband isn't the only thing thats inflated, he can't get his hat on either.