Did you ever get any "Bad Advice" from Elders or Ministerial Servants?

by JH 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I remember once, an elder told me that I could become a Full time pioneer. I was working 40 hours a week, and had a seasonal job 7 months a year.

    The way he figured it out, I could work 8 hours during my day, then go to my meetings, and still find 3 or 4 hours to preach that same day.....

    I told him to go climb a tree.

  • JH

    Another elder told me that I should buy a house, so that the book study would be at my place...

  • JH

    And another elder told me that I should quit my job, do like the other brothers and work in the cleaning business a few hours a day, and be a full time pioneer...

    OK, that reasoning wouldn't permit me to buy a house so that the book study would be there....

  • JH

    Elders back then in the late 80's told us to leave the city, and go live in the country side, some 20 miles further so that a new congregation and new kingdom hall be built....and many did that.

    Some came back a few years later, because their work was in the city and it was too far to travel every day.

    Gee, they gave stupid advice.

  • Dune

    An elder once gave me a Bible Higlights part (I wasnt even a ministerial servant) and told me that it was to show the CO that i was capable of handling assignments, lo and behold, the CO wasnt even paying attention to any of the theocratic ministry school parts and left during the speech quality so he didnt even see my part.

  • justsomedude

    Get baptised?

  • AlmostAtheist

    I got some atrocious marital advice. It kills me that unmarried elders are told they are qualified to give marital advice, but even the married ones doff their common sense and don their Watchtower Counselor's garb when they talk marriage.

    If you can discern what the opposite of whatever advice they offer is, you can assume that would be a reasonably good course.


  • kittyeatzjdubs

    join the school, get baptized, move back in w/ my mom, get reinstated, pioneer.....the list goes on and on

    luv, jojo

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    Jh i would have told him to do more than just climb a tree!! (whats happened to all my smiley things etc and highlighter????)

  • Tristram

    Not advice, per se, but that I would be "Truly Blessed" now that I quit college (at their urging.)

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