Hmm... "What Happened to Love?" is the Awake cover story, just in time for Valentine's Day? Wow. It's a good thing JWs don't celebrate Valentine's Day, because they would never ever try to piggyback their literature on a worldly holiday, right? What's next, "Mexico! Its Spiritual Past, its Stunning Future!" just in time for Cinco de Mayo?
Awake! Less Emphasis on the Bible!
by truthseeker 13 Replies latest jw friends
What's next, "Mexico! Its Spiritual Past, its Stunning Future!" just in time for Cinco de Mayo?
I loved the reference to piggy-backing! Like those days of old when the Watchtower and Awake! would offer annual subscriptions to the magazines in the December editions! Oh, I am sure it was a pure coincidence that Christmas and gift buying also occurred in December! Not.
That's exactly what they are trying to, ever noticed how every year around Christmas it's all about "Where does the christmas celebration really come from?" "Who was really Jesus?" "Does the holidays give you satisfaction?", and then when it's near Easter time "Do you know the real Jesus? (again)" and now it's about love just in time for valentine's day.
I guess they think that people at the doors will be more inclined to take the mags using that technique...
And it doesn't really work, I still got that vivid memory of me presenting an Awake magazine called (Yes!) "Who was really Jesus?" And the women just looked at me, then the mag and said "Yes, I know who he was and I don't need other people to tell me." SLAM! Back then I was kind of pissed, but now I think....well, good for her!:)
Will Power
Piggy backing is right - they are preying to catch someone depressed, lonely, recently dumped, cheated on
and more likely reacting to feelings and unable to think clearly.
and they practice every week to hit the cords just right.