Interesting thought. I've got a whole can full of wheat pennies and buffalo nickels. The one you show is in really good shape.
So I've got this penny...
by AlmostAtheist 21 Replies latest jw friends
You're weird Dave, very weird
LOL I think about this same stuff all the time.
I may be weirder, because I would acutally make up stories around that penny.
You would be better off talking with a golden five dollar coin like the ones that Russell used to give out every year to each Bethel member as a Christmas present.
Eduardo, if it's illegal to alter or deface money, perhaps you should notify Disney and every other tourist trap that has a 'souvenir' penny machine.
LDH: that's funny. I have never thought of that, those things are everywhere. Maybe its a loophole or just something that is ignored by the Treasury Dept/Secret Service?
I like the way you think! (Do you think it's because of the smoking withdrawal? )
I have a couple of Mason Jars full of pennies. I collect the ones that are the same age as me, Mr Scully, each of the children, my parents and siblings. My kids think I'm weird; they get a very curious look on their face when I say "This penny is as old as Grandma". I think it's really neat to come across a penny that has been in circulation since the year my dad or mom was born.
I think its wonderful, too, Dave that you could give such careful thought and attention to that lowly penny. In all honesty, it was an incredible way of putting an animated image to something many take for granted, so much so to the point we often walk past them if we see them on the street. I've been guilty of leaving the window of my favorite fast food establishments without taking my lowly penny or two. It's a great story, Dave. My first comment was in jest, alone.
I'd like to see the same attention given to the lowly Dolar Bill, though. No way to even think about the different hands and situations they been put through. Its because of thinking persons like yourself to this degree, that I saw the common sense attributed to throughly washing your hands after touching money in the food handling business. No one would believe the different places some of our money has a tendency of finding a home to. Gimme' Some Ones, Bob !!! Gimme' Some Ones!!!
Holy crap! I lost that EXACT penny!!!
Would you mind mailing it to me?
Dude, it's on its way as we speak. I have charged your credit card the $8.95 shipping and handling charge. Future pennies will arrive, about every other month, for you to inspect and enjoy. Cancel anytime.
It saddens me that you felt the need to explain it further.
My intention was, don't walk into a copper smelting plant with 20 pennies and expect to walk out with 30 cents. You would need thousands & thousands to make it work.
OK, OK, I'll crawl back into my den of nerdiness....
never mind.
Ah....Numismatics. I used to be a hardcore numismatist when I was younger. I still have my huge collection in a custom made box which is just sitting on a shelf. I didn't really specialize in any particular mint/denomination/year/etc. My favorites are the mint errors. I've got a '55 double die and an all copper clad quarter. My grandpa has a penny with a double obverse (and it's not one of those trick or gag pennies). My other favorites are proofs. I am just fascinated by the fact that proofs have never been touched by human hands. Sort of the anti-type idea that AlmostAthiest brought up.
Part of my collection also consists of coins found through metal detecting. I don't know why people laugh when they see someone with a metal detector. It's a kickass hobby and if you search in the right spots you can reap incredible finds. I used to buy copies of old county maps from the 1800's which showed where homes and schools used to be. Old schoolhouses are a treasure trove. And I used to do this when I was a young teenager. I probably will get back into it again in the future. Metal detectors these days are getting freakin' amazing.