Recently I read a post somewhere (not even sure if I read it here) about Rutherford and his cadillacs.
Where ever it was they said the cars cost $600 at the time.
Well I thought that was a little odd. Since then I have read on 2 separate sites that Rutherford's car cost a lot more than $600 each.
Here is a picture of Rutherford with one of his cars.
This is what the car would look like in color
The website states:
In discussing this particular car, "Special Interest Autos #92, April 1986, page 21 states," Naturally, it was the very rich -- and often as not, the famous -- who made up the limited clientele of the V-16. Among the owners of the first generation cars was Al Jolson... Robert Montgomery... Marlene Dietrich..." (And of course, Joseph Franklin Rutherford, the "humble" servant and personal spokesman of Almighty Jehovah God Himself.)
A 1931 Ford cost about $600.00. The Cadillac just mentioned cost between $5,400.00 and $9,200.00 depending upon style. This means Rutherford's Cadillac cost between NINE and FIFTEEN times as much as a regular new card in its day. That car cost much more than many nice houses of the day.
Oh, by the way, Rutherford had TWO of these cars. The other one was a convertible sedan kept for his personal use in Brooklyn.
Does anyone else see something seriously wrong with this? I bet you do!