Forgiveness is all about US. If we do not forgive the vilest of crimes against us or someone we love, we will carry it with us all our lives and it will destroy us eventually.
Hate for anyone will eat us up. It is a proven fact that our emotions can destroy our cellular structure, and ALL negative emotions are stored in the lymbic system, which is a part of the thalamus gland. Everything we have ever seen, heard, smelt, touched etc is stored in our lymbic system. Therefore hate, unforgiveness, jealosy etc which can be taught from infancy are stored in the lymbic and can affect our whole life. We have delicate energetic systems within our bodies, which can become unbalanced and have devastating effects on our lives.
So my comments on saying 'only saying sorry' is not enough if we don't mean it. Forgiveness has to be REAL. But what I did say, was forgiving terrible crimes against us is difficult, but not impossible. Jesus said that his food was to do the will of the Father, which was to show LOVE to everyone. So that is what he looks for, in us.
We met a Christian couple who forgave the murderers of their Son. The gang of youth kicked him to death, but they forgave them, and even write to one of them who is still in jail. People have committed terrible things because of the hate they are fed on, but if they are shown love, they often change.
Therefore I leave ALL judging to the only one who knows our hearts, Yeshua the King and Saviour of mankind.