It's been a while since the Watchtower overlords made any serious doctrinal changes. WTS 'new light' seems to be somewhat cyclical, around every ten years or so. It's been just over 10 years since the 1995 'this generation' change. What do you think might be in the pipeline, if anything?
What will be the next big 'new light'?
by yaddayadda 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Lady Lee
I suspect they need something to really motivate people. Despite all the failed prophesies of the past that the end is close, near, almost here... I think they are going to need to do that again. There was a huge swell of new members before 75. Seems the fear/hope factor is always a big draw.
June 15 2007 WT
So, while our calculation of the end of the gentile time was based on the best secular and biblical dates avalible at the time it would appear that 1914, though a monumentous year in human history, was not the year that hearalded the beginning of Christ's reign. (You can tell this is from bethel because of the long ass sentance)
Does this mean we are not living in the last days? Certainly not! Our next article will discuss our better understanding of the end of the gentile times and show just how deep in "The Last Days" we really are.
Do You Remember?
In what year was the temple in Jerusalem destroyed?
How does this affect our understanding of the Gentile times?
How does Proverbs 4:18 strengthen your faith in Gods channel
for communication today?
What exciting topic will our next article discuss?
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Announcing to all the brothers and sisters this new light that you stand before Jehovah with Blood and it is Solly between you and GOD, God will judge you if you do or do not take a Blood transfusion, taking it totally out of the congregations hand.
They can't back down on the blood issue because of litigation fears, but they will probably try to fiddle around with the "annointed" concept in order to allow some non annointed of their own trusted inner circle to start running the org.
All those younger post 1935 members of the GB do not believe for a moment that they are "annointed" but they were told to pretend that they are in order to keep up the appearences of having an "annointed" lot running the org. -
All those younger post 1935 members of the GB do not believe for a moment that they are "annointed" but they were told to pretend that they are in order to keep up the appearences of having an "annointed" lot running the org.
Hi greendawn,What makes you say that?
It wouldn't surprise me to see the one-towel rule at assemblies phased out worldwide over a 2 to 3 year timeframe.
Rub a Dub
They can't back down on the blood issue because of litigation fears, but they will probably try to fiddle around with the "annointed" concept in order to allow some non annointed of their own trusted inner circle to start running the org.
Exactly. They`re to their knees in blood, and can`t get out of it. They`ll never get rid of the blood ban, they can`t, it would be a scandal even the most loyal witnoids couldn`t even bare to take. What person with even an ounce of sanity left in them could take the "blood is now ey-okey", without thinking "but...what about all those that allready died?!?!?!?!?!". So the blood ban stays. And that`s why that`s where they should be attacked, because they simply can`t twist their way out of it! And that`s the ingenious about the work of B.Anderson and her partners.
Boy....You are right, they really screwed up bad with the blood thing!
I think you are right, they must continue to go on telling people they must put their faith in them and choose to die, rather then disobey to live. Even though, they know better now.
How about.....we are really sorry we misinterperted the scriptures and your son died, But you should have put your faith in Jehovah, and not men. If you had done so, and were not so easially misled, your son would be alive today.
THAT'S how you hold on to your power and authority, while giving the responsibility to someone else to bear. I would be shocked to see one of these leaders actually buck up and attempt to accept some responsibilty for this madness.
Maybe they don't need any more new light.
All that they need is a couple of earthquakes, wars, famines, etc... and they are happy.