When I was still a JW, I hated gossip. Well I still do. I work much better with facts. The real facts. When I committed adultery to get away from an abusive husband I thought that the elders had enough information to paint me as a scarlet woman. Well at least I thought they did. A few years ago I got together with a few x-JWs in Montreal. The last time I got together with them they brought along a couple that seemed familiar to me. Turns out that the wife was the sister of someone my husband had studied with. Once I knew the connection I vaguely remembered her.
Well ,did I get an earful! She told me some of the stories that were circulating about my exit. I don't even recall what the rumors were, but I was shocked. Really shocked.
The WTS makes sure that judicial committees are always behind closed doors. No one but those involved have any idea what really happened. But this back room policy lends itself to assumptions and exxagerations from the R&F.
I was a good JW. I was helpful, considerate, kind. I have never been reproved for anything. Not once in 22 years.
So without any information other than what was in the DFing announcement, (I didn't go), the rumor mill went into high gear.
About 5 years later I considered going back. I'm glad I had my eyes opened and decided to never go back but what if I had? What if I decided to go and sit in the hall and be ignored for however long it took for the elders to say I had been punished enough?
My reputaion was shredded. And yes I did commit adultery so I am responsible for that choice. But what about all the other things that were said and embellished on. What about all those things that in the absence of the facts were manufactured? Those things would always be "out there". If I had decided to go back, I would have had to deal with my responsibility but there is no way to counter the lies. Since the only thing I had done wrong was 1 thing, then the dozens of other things would always be floating around out there. I would always be under this cloud of suspicion.
I've seen people post here that they did get reinstated. Some more than once.
- What effect did the gossip mill have on your attempt to go back?
- Did you find out there were stories circulating that had no truth in them whatsoever?
- Were you always treated as a "marked" person even after you were reinstated?
- If you never went back have you found out about the rumors about you and what you supposedly did?