Maybe PMJ or another active witnesses can explain? Or do they still teach this?
Just curious, How many Awakes do you read to get a college level education?
by PaNiCAtTaCk 23 Replies latest jw friends
I don't even understand why PMJ is even on this board. If he's such a faithful follower of the watchtower corp as he appears to be, then he should be DF'd for being here!
I do not think that awake can be equal to any kind of college education.
But I do think that the awake helps to educate people in certain ways. I did notice that in developping countries, people who did read the awake had some more general knowledge then others who did not. It was easier to talk with them about certain things.
I do hereby not place the awake on the same level as some other semi-scientific magazines. And yes, they only put in things that are neutral or pro their view, and yes every article has to end with stupid kingdom BS at the end.
But the general, neutral articles are not really that bad. -
*** w83 6/15 p. 31 An Excellent Education ***
Would you like to grow in knowledge, obtaining an education of even much greater value than can be received in any college? You can do so by reading regularly this magazine and its companion, Awake! Not only will these journals help you to keep up with world events but they will also help you to see how these events fulfill the Bible prophecies regarding the time of the end of this entire system of things. Yes, regularly reading these publications not only will improve your knowledge of secular matters but will also provide you with knowledge that will put you in line to live forever in God’s righteous new system.—John 17:3; 2 Peter 3:13.
<barf bag alert!>
g94 11/8 p. 32 "What a Plethora of Knowledge!" ***"What
a Plethora of Knowledge!""PLETHORA," a word of ancient Latin and Greek origin, means "a superabundance, an excess." A reader of the Watchtower and Awake! magazines in Sierra Leone, West Africa, wrote the above words regarding the yearly bound volumes of these magazines that are produced by the Watchtower Society. He continued: "What wonderful gems of priceless wisdom! There is hardly a subject that interests me that I do not find discussed somewhere in the pages of one of these volumes. Many times people honestly mistake me for a college graduate, and when I confess that I have never darkened the doors of a college, they are surprised. But I say: ‘No, I am only an avid reader of the Watchtower and Awake! journals.’"
It used to be four years worth. Unfortunately, now that Awake! has gone monthly, it will take eight years. However you can supplement this education by reading the nutritional information on cereal packets and watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
More like 18906789056574895640564307967389574305746 issues, to be exact. And that is only for an Associate's Degree (2 yrs.). lol
In reality, the Awakes are at what reading level, maybe 6th grade or so? Never at the reading level or complexity of topics equal to any college text.
AK - Jeff
I must agree in sentiment with DannyBloem. The Awake articles are teasers. They can spark interest in the subject. They are of good general interest, but not too much in the way of real education on any subject.
I would think they are basically at a 5th grade level. The difference is that in the fifth grade we are encouraged to do further research and dig into a subject that interests us. The 'kingdom sum up' at the end of these articles has the effect of shutting down that impulse with the 'real answer' to all future needs and concerns and education.
How else would the publishers of a journal designed to get and keep people in a box, do it? Education is the greatest single threat to the ongoing saga of lies they perpetrate.
fleaman uk
However you can supplement this education by reading the nutritional information on cereal packets and watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
He he , that did amuse me
How many Awakes do you read to get a college level education?
Uh, 144,000?