We could take only one argument and it would prove the point, the sun stoping in the sky is priceless! Let's see someone try to explain that?
The Atheist's Book of Bible Stories - new - Bible Science
by RunningMan 23 Replies latest watchtower bible
LunchI opened my lunch bag and found, to my surprise, that mom has packed me a Jehoagie – that’s a hoagie that is so big that it seems to have no beginning and no end (Hebrews 7:3). Afterwards, I cruise the halls for chicks.
YES! HEBREWS ROCK!da da da da... can't touch this!
another nice one runningman. brilliant stuff.
Sinning one said:
It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers
Wouldn't that place god at least a couple of hundred feet up? If we still look as big as grasshoppers that isn't very far away at all is it?
But of course god really means sphere when he says circle (obviously the omnipotence required to provide his scribes with the sort of vocabulary needed to pass on his word un-corrupted, passed god by, that day) so the passage means he is actually on the earth somewhere?
It all makes a lot more sense when you realise it was just written by a bunch of village elders so that the village thickies wouldn't crap in the streets or steal his neighbours favourite goat. Still, Sinning one I'm glad it still has a powerful message for your life, have you read the bit about not crapping everywhere yet?
Thanks for the copy of the book!
They used to believe this nonsense too,
Skin of Your Teeth"I escape with the skin of my teeth." This expression, found at Job 19:20, prompts the question: What is the skin of your teeth? A report in Scientific American of June, 1953, says: "Microscopic techniques now reveal tooth enamel to be not a dead shell but the hardest and strongest tissue in the body, a ‘superskin’. . . . Essentially the teeth consist of two types of hard tissue: the dentine or ivory core, and the enamel, or ‘skin’. . . . The enamel is produced by skin (epithelial) cells. . . . Enamel is unique among living matter in two respects; it has no cells or blood vessels. . . . Certainly enamel cannot reproduce itself, as living tissues usually do. But then, neither can some of the highly specialized cells of the body, such as the brain neurons. . . . We used radioactive isotopes of phosphorus, calcium, iodine and other elements to find out whether . . . a turnover took place in the enamel. The experiments proved that it did. . . . In short, the enamel is not as fixed or as dead as it seems. Like other hard tissues, it carries on a traffic with its environment, albeit without the aid of blood vessels or cells." In its issue of November 15, 1916, page 348, The Watch Tower published a description of this ‘skin of the teeth’ in vindication of Job’s words.
Another beauty for you.
Watchtower '71, 3/1 :
It is significant that heart-transplant patients, where the nerves connecting the heart and brain are severed, have serious emotional problems after the operation. The new heart is still able to operate as a pump, it having its own power supply and timing mechanism independent of the general nervous system for giving impulse to the heart muscle, but just as it now responds only sluggishly to outside influences, the new heart in turn registers few, if any, clear factors of motivation on the brain. To what extent the nerve endings of the body and the new heart are able to make some connections in time is not clear, but this cannot be ruled out as one of the several factors causing the serious mental aberrations and disorientation that doctors report are observed in heart-transplant patients. These patients have donor-supplied pumps for their blood, but do they now have all the factors needed to say they have a "heart"? One thing is sure, in losing their own hearts, they have had taken away from them the capacities of "heart" built up in them over the years and which contributed to making them who they were as to personality.You gotta love Jehobas, spirit directed leadership!
Isaac Asimov once wrote an article about "the circle of the earth" and went into if the Jewish writer really was implying that the earth is spherical.
Now if I can only find the article!
Let's keep it real.Rididcule me as much as you would like ,really it doesn't matter to me .You believe what you want I'll believe what I want .Here's the difference ,I'm just staing what I believe.I won't make any attempt to change your minds.
If you really need to know anything about me I'm more than willing to tell you.
First I'm a black man,African American or any of the other names they give us.
I used to be much like many of you except I was never a witness.I used to be out in the streets slanging yola or cocaine (crack).
I don't make excuses for the things I've done .For those of you who choose to try and belittle those of us who put our trust and faith in Jesus ,you're no better than the JW's.
The last I checked this is a forum to support people not try to tear them down.
The point I was trying to illustrate in my first post is ,to belittle another person because he or she happens to believe in a creator makes you really look childish.If you choose to not believe ,cracking jokes and poking fun at an individual does nothing to further your cause.I'd be more inclined to listen to what you have to say if you went about it in a respectful amnner.
Running man,
You obviously know nothing about science and the bible. I could bet that you would not even pass the following quiz:
Not even a two-answer per question one such as
You are surely destined to go to hell!