Jesus was extremely successful at setting the table for Satans defeat. He was not successful in putting the simple system he recommended into place at that time. Even the self proclaimed believers have not adopted what Jesus said to do either. You are either with the operating systems that Jesus recommended, or you are against him, completely. That being the case, no one has been saved, nor are they with Christ and the war between the Messiah and Satan is at this time, still in progress. You can only be saved when Christ actually manages this planet in the flesh.
All you have to do is look at the lines on the map, and the armies that go with them, to see that all are being led astray. And let us not forget all the hardship and pollution as well as overuse and mis management of resources. I see alot of walls holding back Gods people, and alot of guns supporting Satan's agenda. Thats as far from "The Way" as you can get.
You can bet your life that the Messiah is perfectly capable of boldly revealing himself, challenging and defending himself against the world government. And mysteriously outperforming the people of this world, is a hard fought, cake walk, for the Messiah.
The only thing the believer is required to do is listen when the Crowned Lion roars, and look at the evidence of what Christ did while all were sleeping.
He is both Man and God in one body, which would make him great at everything by design and experience. Expect nothing less than what the bible and all the religious books say the Messiah is.
Just because you missed the many Y2K battles and wars between the Messiah and the U.S. Judicial system does not mean they did not happen. The Lord works in mysterious ways.