I need some input here. Who is my audience if I go public with information about the Jehovah's Witnesses and their blood medical treatment rules? The Witnesses aren't me audience. I don't have anything for them. They told me so.
The medical community isn't my audience, they have told me they will not comment, they're too busy getting rich. They don't want to do anything that might interfere with that. Witnesses are their customers and they are happy to take their money and treat them as they wish. This is what I was told by a well known doctor.
The general public isn't my audience, they basically don't care. The last interviews I did, I got some harsh criticism from some non Witness people.
I guess my audience must be other former Witnesses.
In 1995 when I did my first newspaper interview, there weren't a lot of people using the Internet. Some sites like www.freeminds.org weren't even up yet then. Now the information is easy to get and there's a LOT available.
What do I have to gain by doing another media interview? What do I have to loose?
Ten years ago most Witnesses shunned me. Today I mostly don't even know the active Witnesses. Most Witnesses I know today, don't shun me. Witnesses of my family of origin still shun me. I think they'd shun me even without the Witness element. This is just the kind of people they are.
One of my Witness sons shuns me, one doesn't. The son who does shun me has a very bad case of Paranoid Schizophrenia. I've committed him twice against his will and he'd probably shun me even if he wasn't a Witness, I'm not sure.
This blood thing is my last mountain to cross as far as the Jehovah's Witnesses are concerned. I guess watching my first wife die a painful and slow death from refusing blood treatment has committed me.
I really do need to inventory my motives and evaluate them.
by DannyHaszard 402 Replies latest watchtower medical
You lost your first wife because she refused blood transfusion? Have you considered a wrongful death lawsuit? -
I'm bumping this thread up hoping you'll see it and respond to my question. -
You wrote:
garybuss: You lost your first wife because she refused blood transfusion? Have you considered a wrongful death lawsuit?
Yes -
Sat Feb 25-06 Toronto star Blood ban tests faith
Toronto Star, Canada - 12 minutes ago
NEW YORK—Jehovah's Witnesses are renowned for teaching that Jesus Christ is not God and that the world as we know it will soon end Blood ban tests faith Even as Jehovah's Witnesses reassess teachings legal challenges
may force change Feb. 25, 2006. 01:00 AM RICHARD OSTLING ASSOCIATED PRESS
NEW YORK—Jehovah's Witnesses are renowned for teaching that Jesus Christ is not God and that the world as we know it will soon end. But another unusual belief causes even more entanglements — namely, that God forbids blood transfusions even when patients' lives are at stake. The doctrine's importance was underscored last month when elders lead more than 98,000 congregations worldwide reciting a new five-page blood directive from their headquarters. There are about 155,000 Jehovah's Witnesses in Canada, according to the 2001 census. The tightly disciplined sect believes the Bible forbids transfusions, though specifics have gradually been eased over the years. Raymond Franz, a defector from the all-powerful Governing Body that sets policies for the faith, thinks leaders hesitate to go further fearing total elimination of the ban would expose the organization to millions of dollars in legal liability over past medical cases. The Witnesses have opposed transfusions of whole blood since 1945. A later pronouncement also barred transfusions of blood's "primary components," meaning red cells, white cells, platelets and plasma. An announcement in 2000 in the official Watchtower magazine, however, said that because of ambiguity in the Bible, individuals are free to decide about therapies using the biological compounds that make up those four blood components, such as gamma globulin and clotting factors that counteract hemophilia. The new directive could create confusion about these compounds, known as blood "fractions." Without noting the 2000 change, the new directive tells parents to consider this: "Can any doctor or hospital give complete assurance that blood or blood fractions will not be used in treatment of a minor?" Aside from the new directive, a footnote in the Witnesses standard brochure, How Can Blood Save Your Life?, mentions the 2000 article on fractions — but then omits its contents. By coincidence, the new directive follows some heavy criticism of the blood transfusion policy from lawyer Kerry Louderback-Wood of Fort Myers, Fla., writing in the Journal of Church and State, published by Baylor University. Louderback-Wood, who was raised a Witness but now has no religious affiliation, accuses her former faith of giving "inaccurate and possibly dishonest arguments" to believers facing crucial, serious medical decisions. Louderback-Wood complains that many Witnesses and physicians aren't given clear instruction about their faith's blood transfusion policy, particularly on the subject of fractions. She's no disinterested bystander. The lawyer says her mother died from severe anemia in 2004 because local elders didn't realize hemoglobin is permitted. Louderback-Wood learned that hemoglobin was allowed from the website of Associated Jehovah's Witnesses for Reform on Blood, which was founded in 1997 by dissenting local elders, eight of whom served on hospital liaison committees that advise Witnesses and physicians. The founder of Associated Jehovah's Witnesses, speaking on condition of anonymity to protect his standing in a faith that does not tolerate dissent, says liaison committee members know about the revised teachings, but most Witnesses automatically refuse all forms of blood without consulting the committees. Physicians are often ill-informed about Witness beliefs, he says. Louderback-Wood thinks the faith is subject to legal liability for misinforming adherents, which to her knowledge is an untested theory in U.S. courts. Related issues arise in a court case in Alberta, however, related to the death of teenage leukemia patient Bethany Hughes. Witnesses headquarters refused an Associated Press request to interview an expert on blood beliefs. Instead, General Counsel Philip Brumley issued a prepared statement rejecting Louderback-Wood's "analysis and conclusions" in general. "Any argument challenging the validity of this religious belief inappropriately trespasses into profoundly theological and doctrinal matters," Brumley stated. The Watchtower's 1945 ban said "all worshippers of Jehovah who seek eternal life in his new world" must obey. Such edicts are regarded as divine law, since the Governing Body uniquely directs true believers. Violators risk ostracism by family and friends. A subsequent Watchtower pronouncement forbade storage of a patient's own blood for later transfusion. In all, Associated Jehovah's Witnesses lists 20 shifts and refinements in blood-related rules over the years. At the core of their blood beliefs, Witnesses cite Acts 15:29, where Jesus' apostles agreed that gentile converts should "keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood." The Witnesses also cite parts of Genesis and Leviticus. Judaism and Christianity have always understood these scriptures to ban blood-eating for nourishment. This underlies Judaism's kosher procedures to extract blood from meat, which Witnesses do not follow. Christianity eventually decided the rule was temporary. Experts assume that Raymond Franz's late uncle, Frederick Franz, who served anonymously as the Witnesses chief theologian, decided those passages cover blood transfusions. But Raymond Franz raises questions about the blood policy in his book In Search of Christian Freedom. Among them:- Why forbid a patient's own stored blood yet permit components derived from large amounts of donated and stored blood?
- Why allow organ transplants, which introduce far more foreign white blood cells than transfusions?
- The Witnesses forbid plasma, which is mostly water, but allow the components in it that provide therapy.
- So what's the point of banning plasma?
- Advances in bloodless surgery have reduced many of the medical dangers for Witnesses, but Associated Jehovah's Witnesses maintains that the blood policy is a life-threatening problem elsewhere.
- Louderback-Wood says she'll be contented if her protest saves one child's life.
KINGDOM HALL SOLD TO BABYLON the GREAT Full of Gospel Deliverance Center moved into current home in 2004
Battle Creek Enquirer, MI - 9 minutes ago
... The mortgage for the building was paid off in 1997. In 2004, the congregation purchased the former Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses at 115 E. Goodale Ave. ... Full of Gospel Deliverance Center moved into current home in 2004Name of Church: Full Gospel Deliverance Center. Address: 115 E. Goodale Ave. Pastor: Bishop Essie D. Ingram. History: Ingram was installed as pastor of the church in 1991 with six people present. Worship services first were held at several locations around town until the congregation purchased a building at 420 W. Van Buren St. in 1995. The mortgage for the building was paid off in 1997. In 2004, the congregation purchased the former Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses at 115 E. Goodale Ave. "We thank God for continually blessing us tremendously, and we give him all the glory," Minister Pearlie Brady said. Number of People who Attend: 40. Purpose Statement: To win souls for the Lord Jesus, to be an example of Jesus, the light in a dark world of sin, and to spread the love of God everywhere we go. Services Schedule: Worship service at 11 a.m. Sunday, intercessory prayer at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Bible study at 6 p.m. Friday and youth Bible class at 4 p.m. Saturday. Church Ministries: Tape, radio, TV, youth. Church Outreach: Visiting nursing home residents. More Information: Call the church office at 963-8945. If you would like to see your faith community in FOCUS, please call Claudia Linsley at 966-0689, or write to [email protected].
Doug Allen/The Enquirer(My point,the WTS will sell property to anybody they can pay-off damage settlements)-Danny Haszard
Despite alarm bells, blood substitute keeps pumping
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (subscription), AR - 23 minutes ago Feb 26-2006
... but didn’t get any. These patients were Jehovah’s Witnesses who declined blood for religious reasons. In November 2001, the ...
------------------------------ Above news article won't come up related link belowNorthfield Laboratories Trades Lower in Reaction to Article
Posted 1:55 PMA negative reaction to an article in this morning's issue of The Wall Street Journal has biotechnology firm Northfield Laboratories (NFLD: sentiment, chart, options) trading more than seven percent lower. In the article titled "Amid Alarm Bells, Blood Substitute Keeps Pumping," the paper investigates past problems in clinical trials for the company's blood substitute PolyHeme. Several negative reactions occurred and some even caused the deaths of study participants. The piece notes that a new trial has begun and raises concerns about the protocol and safety of the study. NFLD responded and said the article contains several errors of fact and misinterprets the past clinical trial protocol and results. Further, it says the full data from that former study would have shown that PolyHeme could not be isolated as the cause of the observed serious adverse events. NFLD is trading at 11.38, its lowest level since April of last year.
-Posted by Richard SparksDiscuss this commentary (Comments: 0)
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Despite+alarm+bells%2C+blood+substitute+keeps+pumping&btnG=Google+Search Keyword search of above article
Dad given OK to sue over death
Calgary Sun, Canada - 19 minutes ago
A judge's ruling has cleared the way for a wrongful death lawsuit filed on behalf of a teenaged Jehovah's Witness who lost her fight with leukemia. ...
Mon, February 27, 2006Dad given OK to sue over death
By NADIA MOHARIB , CALGARY SUN A judge's ruling has cleared the way for a wrongful death lawsuit filed on behalf of a teenaged Jehovah's Witness who lost her fight with leukemia. The claim seeking $800,000 in damages was filed by Lawrence Hughes, father of the late Bethany Hughes, in August 2004. Bethany, 17, succumbed to leukemia on Sept. 5, 2002, after a highly publicized fight against blood transfusions which she said violated her religious teachings. The civil suit was stalled after defendants sought to have the courts throw out the claim. Now, however, a ruling by Court of Queen's Bench Justice Patricia Rowbotham on Friday means a scaled-down version of the claim by Hughes, acting as administrator of Bethany's estate, can continue against the Cross Cancer Institute, Alberta Cancer Board, doctors A. Robert Turner and Andrew Belch, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Canada and Watch Tower lawyers Shane Brady and David Gnam. The judge ruled Hughes could not seek compensation for himself, but can sue on his daughter's behalf. The lawyers would have to be found liable before the Watch Tower Society could potentially be held accountable, said lawyer Vaughn Marshall, who filed the original suit. The statement of claim, as referred to by Rowbotham, alleges the Watch Tower lawyers -- members of the Jehovah's Witness faith who were acting on behalf of Bethany and her mother Arliss -- were in a conflict of interest. The judge also wrote in outlining the claims that because of their own beliefs, they were not in a position to advise either in an objective, fully informed manner that would enable Bethany to make a free, informed decision on whether to choose to have blood transfusions. Bethany's mother is no longer named in the suit . A statement of defence to the unproven allegations has yet to be filed in court. [email protected] reporter this article http://www.calgarysun.com/contactus.shtml Newspaper contacts -
Judge tosses out parts of Jehovah's Witness case
Globe and Mail, Canada - 13 minutes ago
Calgary -- An Alberta court has dismissed large parts of a $975,000 lawsuit that accuses Jehovah's Witness members of contributing to the death of a Calgary ... Canada in BriefJudge tosses out parts of Jehovah's Witness case
PATRICK BRETHOUR Calgary -- An Alberta court has dismissed large parts of a $975,000 lawsuit that accuses Jehovah's Witness members of contributing to the death of a Calgary teen who refused blood transfusions. Lawrence Hughes had sued several parties in the death of his 17-year-old daughter, Bethany, from leukemia in 2002, including his ex-wife, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Canada, its lawyers and its members. But a judge struck down most of the claims, except for those brought by Mr. Hughes, who is the administrator of his daughter's estate, on her behalf. A lawyer for Arliss Hughes, the girl's mother, said the claim against her was withdrawn before last week's hearing. Mr. Hughes said in a written statement that he plans to appeal the decision. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/v5/content/help/contact-web Staff contacts http://www.theglobeandmail.com/feedback/?type=letter&articleHeadline=Judge+tosses+out+parts+of+Jehovah%27s+Witness+case Letter to editor online form
If anyone is still trying to submit the tort/liability story to their local media, FYI I have 2 brochures that might help bring the sensational side of this story to the media's attention. http://www.jwinfo.8m.com/activism.htm See the brochures on blood and medical teachings. Downloadable color brochures highlighting the bizarre nature of jw teachings.