SO MAD, HURT, Crying at WORK

by unique1 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • unique1

    DAMN HER!!! Ok, sorry, I have to let some of this out before I start crying at my desk again. My mom and dad told me that they would stop talking to me. My mom has always sent me and a small group the daily text. I haven't received it the past two days, I just figured she didn't want to put her "pearls" before "swine" (you know, her daughter and the pig I am). Anyways. I get this email today. At first I was so happy she emailed me. Then I opened it. My heart just sank. She is now wanting everyone in the group to tell me how wrong I am (most people comment back just like a little morning discussion) for wanting unconditional love from her and Jehovah. See Below.

    Love covers over even all transgressions. Prov. 10:12

    When two people are enamored with each other, there is a tendency to ignore each other’s faults. After marriage, however, they have to face reality. Minor faults or mildly irritating habits may become major problems. If that happens, Christians need to display the fruitage of the spirit, as aspect of which is love. (Gal. 5:22; 23) Love indeed, is very powerful – not romantic love but Christian love. Paul described such Christian love, saying: “Love is long-suffering and kind… [It] does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of the injury…It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” (1 Cor. 13:4-7) Clearly, genuine love makes allowances fro human frailties. Realistically, it does not expect perfection. W 3/1/05 17

    My comment:

    Love does cover over a lot of imperfections we each have. But is it showing love by overlooking serious wrongdoing? Are we being loving if we tell our brother we have seen them in an act that is contrary to Jehovah’s way? Does Jehovah love blindly? Are there conditions to remain in Jehovah’s love? Is there such a thing as unconditional love? Does love have boundaries, guidelines, values, morals, sacrifice? Please let me know your findings with scripture.

  • jgnat
    She is now wanting everyone in the group to tell me how wrong I am

    I'd block them all. Seriously. Do you want to take more slings and arrows to your wounded heart? It might be time for some counter-shunning.

  • Confession
    She is now wanting everyone in the group to tell me how wrong I am...

    Well, just a thought, but if she's going to do that, perhaps you'd like to invite a select number of your friends here to tell them all how wrong they are?

    I know this might not be a great idea; just wanted you to know that many here have your back.

  • jgnat

    And as an aside, it is obvious that your mom is going far beyond "what is written" in today's daily reading. She is ignoring both the scriptures and the society in an attempt to shame you in to obedience.

    Shame on her.

    And you can tell her so from this fellow bible student.

  • unique1

    I am just so pissed at her. How can you shun your only child then take stabs at her 2 days later? What kind of love is that? Does she really think kicking me while I am down will make me want to come back? Freakin PSYCHO!!

  • jgnat

    Get down to the local nursing home and adopt a new mom. Seriously. Don't waste another emotional nanosecond on this manipulator.

  • Billygoat

    ((((((hugs))))))) I'm so sorry. I understand all too well. I know that doesn't make it better, but we do love ya. This cult really screws up a person's head.


  • MonkeyPrincess

    Do we have the same mom? my goodness, this is something my mother would do.
    I know how hurtful it is, i am so sorry that she is doing that to you.
    I like Confession's idea, invite a few people to tell them how wrong they are.
    Big hugs ((((unique1))))


  • daystar

    It took my mother nearly ten years to stop dropping bombs like that on me. She still pulls it on occasion.

    But she never did shun me. Just the opposite, she would not stop bugging me! She'd say things like "I guess I won't get to see any of my children in the New System..." *sob, sob, sob* (pause while glancing up to note any reaction, then...) *sob, sob, sob*

    It's emotional blackmail, pure and simple.

  • unique1

    jgnat: I have a friend on here who has known me since birth (Balsam). She has offered to be my new mom. Thanks.

    Monkey: Glad to know I am not alone.

    Thanks guys. I have calmed down now. I was just so blindsided, going from extremely happy to extremely hurt and wanting to punch her in the face. It's a wonder we aren't all in mental institutions with the stuff we have suffered at the hands of loved ones.

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