Unique 1 I just had the dubious pleasure of reading your mothers sanctimonious response. Jgnat has the best advice really - adopt a new one from the neglected multitudes at the old folks homes as soon as you feel able to move on from grieving.
I last saw my mum when i was 22 - I am constantly terrified of turning into her and I do miss her but she has chosen to worship a printing company over seeing me. Its not her fault - she's brain washed like I was. I wish I had known all that when I was 16 and disfellowshipped first time round - it would have made my whole life so much easier to bear to have the information I have now 15 years ago. Make the most of what you know from here - its not personal and use your anger productively to fight against the Borg any opportunity you get. Whenever I'm at a dinner party now and meet new people who ask about me then I give them a brief run down of my flawed upbringing and indoctrination as an anti witness against JWs. It helps heal.
Hugs - I am so angry that JW mothers behave like this.