(Revelation 12:1-5) And a great sign was seen in heaven, a woman arrayed with the sun, and the moon was beneath her feet, and on her head was a crown of twelve stars, and she was pregnant. And she cries out in her pains and in her agony to give birth. And another sign was seen in heaven, and, look! a great fiery-colored dragon, with seven heads and ten horns and upon its heads seven diadems; and its tail drags a third of the stars of heaven, and it hurled them down to the earth. And the dragon kept standing before the woman who was about to give birth, that, when she did give birth, it might devour her child. And she gave birth to a son, a male, who is to shepherd all the nations with an iron rod. And her child was caught away to God and to his throne.
Verse-by-Verse Commentary from the YORWW Congregation:
Verse 1 of chapter 12 of the book of Revelation shown above speaks of a “great sign” being seen in “heaven.” In this instance, the “heaven” spoken of would picture the YORWW Congregation Arrangement, who are the only people on earth that correctly understand the events, as they occur within the organization of Jehovah’s witnesses on earth. In the mysterious vision, the “12-star Crown” that is upon the “woman’s” head shows her to represent the “12 tribes” of Israel on earth, even as the “12 stars” in Joseph's dream pictured the same. (Genesis 37:9) The “crown” on the “woman” head also shows the “regal” status enjoyed by the “woman” who enjoys a heaven-high standing with God as God's Chosen Name People. Also, she is seen as arrayed with the “sun” at the head and the “moon” at her feet. In this case, the “sun” and “moon” picture the Governing Body and Watchtower Society entities respectively, as they provide “light” or enlightenment for this “crowned” woman, a “luminary” for the day, and a “luminary” for the night. (Genesis 1:16, 17) This way, she appeared to be in constant “light,” or enlightenment, as we would expect from a Temple-Arrangement from Jehovah God. However to the contrary, God's prophetic word shows in the end, her “sun” will not give its expected light, and her “moon” will fail her and not give her much needed “light” either. No, they will not, since they will prove to be false “luminaries” who give false light, not true light from Jehovah. Therefore, she will one day have to learn to lean on Jehovah, for true light. Yes, Jehovah must one day, become her true light. Amen! -- See Isaiah 60:19, 20 .
Verse 2 show the “woman,” God’s woman is “pregnant” and she cries out in her “pains” and “agony” to give birth to the “Male Child.” Indeed, Jehovah God has caused these “pains” and “agony” for the woman to give birth to His Son, the “Male Child.” These “pains” and “agony” associated with the “birth” are the troublesome times ahead for the Watchtower Society, especially with many reformed-minded ones taking a stand against the leadership of Jehovah’s witnesses at the kingdom halls around the world. All of this will seem to be a great mystery to the “woman” herself, since she will not fully understand the actual need for such reform “issues” that must be settled for the sake of righteousness. At the center of these reform “issues” will be heinous activity of the Governing Body becoming NGO Supporters of the United Nations Organization, in secret, for some 10 years.
Verse 3 shows the wicked “dragon” to be “fiery-colored.” He is shown to be “fiery-colored” because he has become the instigator of a “Great War,” as spoken in the book of Daniel as being the foretold conflict of the “king of north” against the “king of the south.” (Daniel 10:1; 11th chapter NIV) In this instance, the “fiery-colored” dragon reminds us of the “2nd Seal” spoken of in Revelation 6th chapter. Clearly, in this instance the “fiery-colored” (Red colored) Horse and its rider picture warfare, global warfare even, showing all during the time the Jehovah’s witnesses organization is going through these major upheavals of change and difficulty, there will be Great War being engaged in by the world in general.
Verse 4 shows us, the “tail” of the “dragon” being used to “drag” and “thrown down” heavenly “stars” that decorate the woman’s presence. This “tail” picture the point of strength of Satan, just as a literal dragon-like creature uses their “tail” as a weapon to sling their prey around or dash them to pieces in a death blow hit. In this instance, the “tail” like instrument pictures the Governing Body of Jehovah’s witnesses, that Satan fully controls, as the “man of lawlessness.” This particular instrument under Satan’s control, namely the Governing Body will “thrown down” one-third of the “stars” who picture the elder body among Jehovah’s witnesses. No doubt, these “stars” or elders will be disciplined by the Governing Body because of the reform ideas and activities entertained by these “elders” who are quite dissatisfied by the recent decisions being made by the Governing Body themselves. These “stars” or “elders” simply can’t see themselves supporting the Governing Body and their decisions of recent, for the direction of the congregations of Jehovah’s witnesses. Because of this “throwing down” action of the Governing Body upon these particular reform-minded “elders” or “stars,” these individuals will lose their positions of oversight with the congregations of Jehovah’s witnesses. This particular “sign” as seen in “heaven” will be fully anticipated and expected by those who are part of the YORWW “Intimate Group” Prophetic Association. – Jeremiah 23:18, 22
Verse 5 shows the “Male Child” is born. These are shown to one day, “shepherd the nations with an iron rod” as official representatives of God’s Government and Kingdom on earth. (Matthew 6:10) These are the first to leave the Watchtower Society, the first to fully recognize that “reform” efforts are futile in God’s Eyes for the Jehovah’s witnesses as an organization. These are also called, the “Tents of Judah,” since they are “saved first” by God Himself. (Zechariah 12:7) Yes, the Watchtower Society and its Governing Body are now completely passed any point of repentance before God. The “Male Child” group and can clearly see this, and so they leave the apostate organization of Jehovah’s witnesses behind. They are now willing to join the YORWW Arrangement, as God’s newly revealed, Beacon of Light for all who wish to please Jehovah. They now join the YORWW Arrangement, because they recognize it, as the Earthly Kingdom of God. -- Matthew 6:10
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