Yeah, it works for me!
by coffee_black 17 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah, it works for me!
You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.
That is really kind of sad...
Sure and we get to take out the trash and the "leftovers" from creatures the cat drags in !
and the "leftovers" from creatures the cat drags in !
Not to mention you guys have to mash the spiders that get loose in the house... I just ain't doin it... nope...nope...nope...
Not to mention you guys have to mash the spiders that get loose in the house... I just ain't doin it... nope...nope...nope...
J ---------------------
Don't need a guy for spider patrol! just get the vacuum out and suck em' up! (don't forget to leave it running for a few minutes to make sure they are dead and don't come crawling back out) If in the bathtub, hairspray works very good to really slow the suckers down! then smoosh them with shoe and a flushing burial does the trick!
another disclaimer today- outside spiders are ok, leave them be. It's bad luck to squish the cute little striped jumping spiders. Or so says Grandma.
Actually, I NEVER kill a spider with hairspray, vacuum cleaner or any other means, but PLAY WITH some of the cute furry spiders, (not sure of their name) which move rapidly in little jerks and hops. Others however, I admit that I pick up with a piece of paper and take them outside.
On average, why do men die at least seven years before their wife does?”
Because you've heard every story they have 100 times a year for 50 years - you can't stand it another seven. It's like being stuck on an island with a TV that only picks up old Leave it to Beaver reruns. After a while, staring at the sand starts to look good.
Another good thing about being a bloke.
In public you can scratch yourself where you REALLY itch.