I've been off line for a day and just checked in and looked at how this thread has grown and all I have to say is this thread ROCKS!
I am sitting in a coffee shop and reading this and I literally just laughed out loud reading all the PROFOUND thoughts....he he he
*people are staring at me!* he he he
If I reject searching for spiritual enlightenment and decide to only pursue selfish, fleshly, interests then soon that would be my god. If I reject everything all together and live as a hermit and worship myself and my existence then I am still worshiping. Why do we feel the need to have a religious act?
it's our biology. i don't mean to insinuate with all i said in the last post that i have an answer. i don't. the only thing i can say is: the mind can only overpower biology so much before it can no longer win.
and the only thing i can say to that is a question: "why fight our biology?"
he he he - yeah. I kind of new the answer was biology. I kind of meant the question to be retorical. but thanks for clearing that up.....LOL!
Why fight our biology? well so far the reason I *fight* certain tendencies of biology is because of how my actions would have repercussions on those I hold dear.....fear of hurting them.
(It was within an experience of intense hatred and fear, that there was the first clear glimpse of what is boundlessly pristine and at peace. Such emotions like fear, hatred, anger, which we normally push away as we fear and hate them (ironically), can be a blessing if they are openly, earnestly and honestly investigated.)
not to brag here gentlemen, but I can relate to this statement by JT as far as having shared a similar intense experience that none of you will ever get to experience. I have to say the closest I have ever been to my subconscience and my deepest fears was when I was having a natural childbirth. The experience is trippy to say the least. you release hormones that let you tap into the subconscience if you let your body do it. It was the closest to death and bliss I ever got. all happening simultaneously. I had a wise midwife tell me to let go and "let your monkey do it (give birth)" It was right on. If you give in, and let this intense pain, and morbid fear just move through you, it is the most spiritual thing I ever experience. The most primal thing I have yet to go through as a human being. That experience taught me more about facing my fears head on than any other experience yet.
fear. fear of god, or ourselves?
* how many of you think Narkissos just likes to throw the big bloody pieces of chum out there in the water and watch the feeding frenzie of the sharks?*
he he he....you are so great Narkissos. I may have to develop a fear of your greatness and worship YOU! he he he