Shortly after the hurricanes hit the Gulf Coast region of the U.S. the WTS organized committees and met with elders in the affected/surrounding states. One point of discussion was the damage assessment to KHs and homes; the other point of discussion was locating displaced JWs.
The WTS is concerned about losing publishers. At the time it was stressed that if a displaced person or family moved into your area be sure to get at least name and former congregation and forward the information to WTS. The WTS didn't want publishers to get away. The WTS realized this would be a good opportunity for any displaced JW to fade/cut ties if they desired.
There were approximately 27,000 displaced. This equates to roughly 14 medium-sized circuits in this area. The WTS is concerned. They sent a letter to all congregations dated 1/7/06 discussing this. At the end of the letter there is a section addressed to the Congregation Service Committee, they still want elders to get publishers' information and forward it to [email protected] or (713) 334-1914. Here's an excerpt from that section. I'll try to get the entire letter online.