I was speaking to a friend who is a j.w and asked her a couple of questions,the first one was that if god created everything perfect why did he give a bird wings when it is to heavy to fly ie:the ostrich,my second was that when the great flood receaded and all life was destroyed what did the lions,tigers and all the other meat eating animals do for food,the answer she gave me was that they ate plants and things?was she winding me up?im still waiting for the ostrich answer.
noahs ark and ostriches!
by h2o 14 Replies latest jw friends
Thank you discovery channel!! I do believe that the wings of an ostrich add to is balance in some way to help in its increased speed (30 mph or so) Ostriches are perfect in their own way, just as other creatures are. You could ask the same about humans, why do we have tail bones if we dont have a tail?Or why are whale sharks so damn big if all they eat are plankton? :)
The meat eaters at London zoo all survived on vegetables only during the rationing of WWII.
The meat eaters at London zoo all survived on vegetables only during the rationing of WWII.
Are you refering to the zoo keepers?
..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.
What I still want to know is....where did the FRESH WATER fishes go during the Flood?
no one has ever given me an answer to this question.Maybe I should write the Watchtower for an answer? (as if they would know!)
what did the lions,tigers and all the other meat eating animals do for food,the answer she gave me was that they ate plants and things?
They ate plants...ha ha
Just like they will in the next world huh...Yeah, makes perfect sense. Yeah just like all those pics in WT literature tell us, where some little kid is seen hugging a grizzly bear and a lamb sits side by side with a lion.Yeah, there will be no more carnivores, no predators. The sheep and wolf and the lion will all be best buddies...of course!!!
Hey, instead of a pet parrot, you'll be able to have a pet Tiger to come home to after you've spent all day out in the fields picking fruit!!!!! What a great life! -
Meat eater animals probably could survive on vegetables for an extended time period - as mentioned during war times.
However, that doesn't explain why lions, sharks, bears, wolves, etc. were created with shredding-style (canine) teeth in the first place if they were created and lived within a perfect Paradise and didn't hunt.
Why weren't they created with teeth like cows, etc? Cows teeth "munch" on food - smashing it. Wolves etc., teeth are used for tearing, ripping. Not very Paradise-like, is it? There is no evidence in history that wolves, cats, bears, etc., ever had any other type of teeth than they have now.
H20, perhaps that would be a question you could ask your jw friend?
You totally right Waiting
Personally, i find the idea of Noahs ark hilarious. All those animals on board and they all behaved themselves. The tiger had no desire to tear to shreds the gazelle or anthing....yeah right!
It would have been chaos!
What plants what fruits and vegetables? Have you ever
seen a flood? Nothings growing. It's a FABLE go back and
look the thread up that we did on this not to long ago.H2O- What is perfect anyway? God was having a ball creating
all things. Look at humans Adam was alone gave him Eve.
Adam is horny 16-26 can't get enough. Eve I got a headache.
Eve is horny 32-42. Adam wants the remote and a beer.
Like there is any sense in creation come on man wake up.