the idea of lions and tigers eating grass is hilarious, well except if we remove the gr as in grrrrrr, then they would be eating .... ass wouldn't you say. buff
noahs ark and ostriches!
by h2o 14 Replies latest jw friends
funny stuff! I'm still wondering how all the lemurs ended up in Madagascar. Maybe Noah dropped them off?
The meat eaters at London zoo all survived on vegetables only during the rationing of WWII.
Quite true, but unfortunately, there are no wild forms of vegetation that in any way approximate what these zoo cats were fed.
In order to gain access to the proteins within the cell, a vegetarian must rupture the cell walls of the plant material consumed. The cell wall of most protein rich plant tissue is a rigid structure reinforced by cellulose, a polymeric carbohydrate that is not directly digestable by any animal life on earth.
From the elephant to the termite, all vegetarian animal species have chewing mechanisms especially designed to perform the mechanical breakdown and either multi-chambered stomachs or enlarged hindguts where the bacteria necessary to perform the chemical breakdown and finish the process can flourish.
Big cats can be sustained on a vegetarian diet, but at least two things are required. First, the chemical and mechanical breakdown must be performed for them (e.g. the food must be ground and processed) and second, the amino acid taurine must be added as cats are unable to synthesize it from vegetable material.
The meat eaters at London zoo all survived on vegetables only during the rationing of WWII.
Any references about this? I remember reading it in WTS literature, and I have seen the claim in some fundie sources. But I have not seen solid references.
That it is true about "all" carnivores is obviously untrue. Some spiders and boa snakes simply refuse to touch anything they haven't killed themselves. These spiders are actually incapable of digesting anything not killed with its poison.
- Jan
"People are apprehensive when they meet me. They think I'm going to eat
them. But underneath it all, I'm quite shy." - Freddie Mercury -
I thought it would be a simple matter of emailing them, but there's no email address (well, you can email their webmaster to comment on the site). did however win a blind date with a duck via their dating service!