Moon may prove there is no life other than on earth

by joelbear 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • joelbear

    moon responsibility for life forming on earth.

    i think there may not be any more life anywhere else.


  • DannyBloem

    I do not think it proves anything

    all planets except the two inner planets have moons

    if the moon helped in the forming, it doe not have to be esscential. other processes could do the same

  • AlmostAtheist

    Did you mean to include a link there, Joel?

    If life arose spontaneously (as I believe it did) then it seems pretty unlikely that whatever brought it about on earth wouldn't have also brought it about somewhere else. I don't imagine it's too likely we'll ever meet up with that other life, but I think it's probably out there.


  • joelbear

    It was a Nova special on the moon. I was struck by how much it had to do with the development of life. I knew there was a connection but was astounded by the depth of the connection.

    I think we may be it. If we destroy the earth, there will be silence.

  • moshe

    Without a large moon to stabilize the rotation and tilt of a planet, I doubt that anything more intelligent than green slime would develop. Oh, and don't forget the polar magnetic field- we have to have that ,too- or be fried by cosmic /ultraviolet radiation and have our atmosphere blown away by the solar wind.



  • Elsewhere
    moon responsibility for life forming on earth.

    i think there may not be any more life anywhere else.

    This would require us to conclude that no other planets in the universe have a moon. Last count there are a total of Seven planets with moons in our solar system alone.

    That theory has no ground to stand on.

  • joelbear

    moshe pointed out the particulars i couldn't remember, not only a moon, but a specifc ratio in size to have the right effect on the planet.

    yeah and none of the other moon/planet combinations in our solar system work.

    moon moon

  • Tuesday

    I think that would just be sad if Earth was the only planet in the universe to have life. I think it's definetly possible there was/is life elsewhere I don't think we'd be able to survive there and vice versa. What if orginizms grew of intelligence but could only breath a heavy nitrogen based air supply. Also, correct me if I'm wrong isn't there some sort of evidence of possible life on Mars, maybe some fossils of some sort?

  • Satanus

    The program has fallen into the same pit in which creationists live. I think there is a name for it. Basically, they say that the universe, earth, etc has to be exactly the way it is for life to be here. This is backwards thinking, as life evolved and adapted where and as it could. Just because it may have happened a certain way here, doesn't mean that it couldn't happen any number of different ways elsewhere.


  • Elsewhere

    Using current technology, there are about 80 billion observable galaxies. Odds are there are many many more that we are not able to detect *yet*.

    Assuming that the entire universe is only what we can see this means that the 80 billion galaxies each have about 100 billion stars. This means there are about 8,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (Eight Septillion) stars in the observable universe.

    There is no way anyone can tell me that our sun is the only one with a planet that has a planet-moon ratio like or similar to ours.

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