Hi, I'm new here. Thought this would be a good post to jump in and SHARE.
Ritual Number One: Renewal/ Cleansing.
Invite a small circle of like-minded friends to come to a renewal/ cleansing ritual. You can do this on a weekly basis. Have them bring their laundry. Sit in a circle and have each one pile his/her laundry in front of them. Begin with the person, let's say, siting on your left side. They will look through your laundry and pick out what they feel is an interesting soiled item. They hold it up for all the circle to see. The group acknowledges it. They then hand the garment to its owner. The owner then tells the story of how that garment was soiled and if it brings up any feelings/ memories -- this can be punctuated with screams, yells, laughter or crying. When everyone in the circle has had a turn, then it time to go to the washing machine and the group communally washes each others clothes.
Ritual Number Two: Reading the Story on Our Bodies.
Once again have a close-knit group of fellow believers over. Drink till you feel a buzz. [Unless your an alcoholic. Then smoke some grass.] Start undressing as you chant all the vowel sounds. Resonate with A-E-I-O-U. When you've finished undressing and carefully folded your clothing and placed it in a neat stack behind you --then sit in a circle. Each participant will then find a scar on his/her body and tell its story. When, where, how, possible why, it happened. Was it an accident, surgery, dog bite, knife fight .... Take your scar around the circle and let everyone see it or touch it if need be. As this is done each week, keep a running journal of each scar. Create a history of one's life by the scars on your body.
OK, that's enough for now,