So if we accept the fact that airplanes fly and we use condoms in our lives, obviously we should never be grossed out by two guys sucking each other off or pounding each other in the ass? People who dont embrace the gay lifestyle as being the greatest thing since sliced bread are now as bad as racist KKK folks 30 years ago? I will accept it as natural when two same sex partners concieve. I refused to watch an email that was sent to me of a woman performing a sexual act with a horse. Does that make me close minded because that grosses me out. Does that make me as ignorant as a KKK member 30 years ago? You guys sound worse than the Watchtower pushing its agendas and thoughts as the only right way a person can believe!
Clearly you missed my point. I don't give a rat's ass if you think guys having sex is gross. I do give a rat's ass when you, and others, use the completely intellectually void argument that homosexuality is "unnatural" to justify social policy. You can be as closed-minded as you like, by all means, but don't try and use that closed-mindedness to use the government to tell me what I can and cannot do in my bedroom.
And, by the way, what exactly is the "gay lifestyle?" I get up in the morning, drive to work, eat lunch, go home, read the newspaper, then go to bed. Wow... that's quite the lifestyle.