Very interesting points being made..can' reply...
Children are not a requirement for marriage, but the institution used to be a nurturing enironment a place of protection, shelter & provision for little ones (there have always been evil people & exceptions to this.) and should be for women as well.
As for the DMV giving a gay couple the "eye" for a joint ownership etc: you can't legislate how people feel-you might be able to "legislate" the smirk off the their faces, but wouldn't you rather know who they really are & how they regard you?
I don't suport gay marriage on scriptural grounds. If I decide to play God and make the rules, that opens vistas of possibilites that probably won't agree with the next guy who wants to play God & make up his/or/her own rules. I agree with jstalin-not governments place to determine marriage.Biblically, Adam & Eve were the prototype for marriage (Jesus backs this up).
Auld Soul-well said!
Whereas marriage to an animal is not all that likely (peta would probably intervene!) What is likely is the progression towards adult/child "marriage". Specifically man/boy, since it seems women are not usually sexually attracted to little girls. There are groups for the promotion of man/boy relationships. Human sexuality is a fragile thing. When certain things are introduced in an innocent young child's life-it changes them, & I believe damages them for life. Whether they are molested by a male or female.VERY often that is the basis for a person deciding to "love" or trust themselves to only someone of the same sex.
Gay marriage won't "turn" anyone gay. But it will add to the normalizing of deviant behavior. I think I can say without too much arguement, that males have a strong sexual drive that, if given full rein, produces all sorts of, what we would call, anti-social sexual behavior.(apparently even apple pie hold some kind of allure! ) It is only society that keeps it in some kind of check (I would add religious belief as well-because where do the rules ultimately come from?) But then as you know, without actual charactor, society falls apart anyway...thus hetrosexual marriage is joke now.
I am not a fan of Pat Pew-cannon (sic) but joelbear, what you call the "caucation christian west" has made the society you have the freedom to live with another man in.(bad sentence structure!) It has produced and/or built on the rights and protections for women and children, diverse religious belief, abolition of slavery and democracy. Much of the just part of this was pursued by Christian people. I think we are about to experience what life will be like with a different world view as one worldism takes over. I don't think Gay marriage will even be an issue, & (LOL) I am sure you can find someone happy to "throw rice at you"! (You're very funny!)
Abbadon- "Life, Liberty & the 'purfuit' of happiness" have already been corrupted & co-opted for all of us.Chipped away at one at a time. This frog is boiled. What the democrats failed to do to us, the republicans are working hard at accomplishing.
Kinsey had a distorted subject base with which he made his "findings." I think he was the biggest joke perpetrated on science since evolution.
I was startled to hear a gay person admitt that homosexuality is such a small section of society. Usually you hear 20% being bandied about...5% hey?...& apparently very vocal!
Gretchen, why do you think non-religious people have such a strong emotional aversion to homosexuality? Just cause that's the way they were brought up?
Sorry for gassing on...