Do you support gay marriage?

by chappy 114 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • outoftheorg

    All of the civil rights that a marriage has can be given to a homosexual couple also.

    A well written will can not be overroade by family connections. It provides all the rights to property that a marriage does and more.

    A power of attorney will give you rights just like a wife or husband has in many situations.

    A living will gives the partner all the rights needed in medical situations to the partner.

    A marriage has always referred to one male and one woman and the expectance of children from this marriage. These children are legally and by relation members of the family and their ancestors.

    Homosexuals can not have children unless they adopt or use other sources of semen or eggs.

    So acquire your children using one of these two methods. And adopt them using the correct documents .

    Homosexuals can have all the rights of married people if they just go after the needed legal documents now.

    I don't understand why this cry for the right to MARRIAGE when all the legal sources are in place now to protect them and their partner right now. A contract can be written up in minutes to cover any other questions.

    You can even find or make up another descriptive name to use in place of marriage.

    Marriage is with a man and a woman. Find another name for homosexual unions and have at it.

    Gradually all the rights you have access to already will grow together under this new name as time goes by just as it has with the name "marriage".


  • Leolaia
    Here's another issue and has been known to happen. Say for example you have 2 people in a gay longterm relationship. One of them has family who have nothing to do with him because he is gay. He then dies but leaves everything in his will to the one who truly loved him - his partner. But the family contests the will and gets what they want? Why because they are legally recognised as his family.

    Sherry brought this up in another thread this week. It is for this reason and others that I support gay marriage on moral grounds.

  • darkuncle29
    All of the civil rights that a marriage has can be given to a homosexual couple also.

    A well written will can not be overroade by family connections. It provides all the rights to property that a marriage does and more.

    A power of attorney will give you rights just like a wife or husband has in many situations.

    A living will gives the partner all the rights needed in medical situations to the partner.

    Why go through the trouble of all that, it'd be easier to just get married.

    So, could a legal fast track be made for individuals wanting to establish all of the above, that isn't called marriage--because what things are called is so important in our society--and that would cost about the same as say, maybe a marriage liscense?

    ...I'm not holding my breath.

  • outoftheorg

    Is there some legal fast tract??

    Read the last part of my post.

    Of course it would slowly assemble all the rights of the Marriage.

    These same questions are what caused the process of marriage and made it a legal act. Many years ago.

    Actually all of these legal documents could be put in a package and delivered in 30 minutes as things are now.

    All it takes is a little effort to get it started.


  • Rook

    Yes, it's their right and No, i do not support it.

  • silentWatcher

    I feel that homosexuals have every right to be as miserable as heterosexuals. :-) -silent

  • CountryGuy


    While I appreciate your thought into the matter, I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you on some of your statements:

    All of the civil rights that a marriage has can be given to a homosexual couple also.

    A well written will can not be overroade by family connections. It provides all the rights to property that a marriage does and more.

    There are so many documented examples of a gay person's will being overriden by his family, that I don't want to chance it. Sure, I'm sure some gay men and lesbians have been lucky and had their partner's will upheld, but why would I want to chance that my partner would be that lucky? My parents would never do this, but what about my sister or cousins?

    A power of attorney will give you rights just like a wife or husband has in many situations.

    Many situations... not all. When my partner was rushed to the hospital in 2003, they didn't care if I was his Power of Attorney, they only cared if I was family. I lied, and of course was shown there right away, but I shouldn't have had to. I guess eventually, after I presented the document, I could have seen him in the emergency room, but who has that kind of time. It's not really something you carry on you at all times.

    A marriage has always referred to one male and one woman and the expectance of children from this marriage. These children are legally and by relation members of the family and their ancestors.

    So, does that mean that a husband and wife who don't have/or want children should not be married? I've never understood this argument.

    Homosexuals can have all the rights of married people if they just go after the needed legal documents now.

    I'll concede your point, but I'd like to make one change... Homosexuals can have SOME of the rights of married people, if they don't mind a watered down version that could be taken away at any time, if they just go after the needed legal documents now.

    I honestly do appreciate the fact that you have put thought into your comment. Many people just spout off some scriptures and haven't thought about it at all. I would also like to give you some of the 'difficulties' that we have to face:

    -My partner and I have to file seperate tax returns every year. We both have to file at the higher single rate.
    -My partner and I have insurance through my work because I am fortunate enough to work for a company that offers domestic partner benefits. For my straight, married coworker to get her husband insurance, all she had to do was put his name down. No questions were asked. For me to get insurance for mine. I had to call and request a special form be sent to me. Then I had to compile FOUR different types of documentation proving we had a domestic partnership. Then I had to have the form notarized and sent back to the home office with the documents they requested. Then I had to agree to pay taxes on the premiums because it was domestic partner benefits and was not eligible for a before-tax deduction. AND, even with all of this I was GRATEFUL that I worked for a progressive company so my partner could have life, health, dental and vision insurance.
    -If/when I die, my partner will not be able to collect social security benefits, no matter what legal documents we have.
    -Twice a year, when I renew my tags at the DMV, I have to ignore the stares of the ladies behind the counter when they bring up our car registration, see both of our names on the title and then are paid with a check from our joint account. Granted, this is just a mere annoyance, but none the less, it's something gay men and lesbians shouldn't have to deal with.

    You can even find or make up another descriptive name to use in place of marriage.

    Marriage is with a man and a woman. Find another name for homosexual unions and have at it.

    Gradually all the rights you have access to already will grow together under this new name as time goes by just as it has with the name "marriage".

    Again, I do appreciate your comments and hope that soon, very soon, enough people will agree with your statement and let gay men and lesbians have a form of protection identical to marriage.

    CountryGuy: Who will celebrate seven years together with his husband and soulmate in September.

  • Super_Becka
    A marriage has always referred to one male and one woman and the expectance of children from this marriage. These children are legally and by relation members of the family and their ancestors.

    So, does that mean that a husband and wife who don't have/or want children should not be married? I've never understood this argument.

    I'm with CountryGuy, I have to disagree with that statement. I firmly believe that a marriage is the union between two people who love and respect each other, be it a heterosexual or homosexual couple, and I don't think that children have anything to do about it.

    I'm a straight female and I look forward to getting married to my soulmate someday, whenever I find him, but I do not want children, I am not cut out to be a mother. Does that mean that I shouldn't get married or that I should be allowed to get married??

    Since when are children a required part of marriage?? Here I was, thinking that the "legal" definition of marriage is, "a union between a man and a woman", or, as I would define marriage, "a union between two people who love and respect each other". Did I miss something, is there a footnote that integrates children into the equation??

    -Becka :)

  • misspeaches

    Country Guy thanks for taking the time to write that down. I read it with a lot of interest.

    I hope that people here will see at least the legal reasons on why homosexual people should be allowed to marry just as much as hetrosexual people.

    All the best to you and your partner and 7 years of love together!

  • Stewart75

    I wont agree to gay marriages but I am and won't be in any position to judge anyone

    I have few gay friends who I get on well, and if I was asked to attend a gay wedding, I would decline their invitation not because I disapprove them as a person but because I dont support gay marriages. I understand I could receive some comments undermining me as narrow minded.

    I have met quite a few law abiding and respectful gays, but no matter how far they succeed in their careers, I will never support gay marriages, nor support IVF for gays- even if one of my sibling is gay, I will still love him/her for who the person is, respect their choice, but wont approve of homosexual acts.

    Ouch, I could see some attacks coming to me later on, but please I dont mean to stir up trouble as after all this post wanted to hear other views.. Just being honest about my views.

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