I just sent my JW family packing

by unbeliever 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • unbeliever

    My mom asked me if some of her JW relatives from CA could come and stay
    with me for 2 days and see some of the sites. I was not thrilled with
    the idea but what the hell. I have read some of the posts written by
    stillawitness about the freeloading pioneer sister who lives with them
    and oh my god can I relate now. They decided they wanted to eat at one
    of the most expensive restaurants in my city so I take them. Silly me
    thought we would pay for our own meal. The bill is over $400. The
    waiter asked how we would be paying and I said I would pay for myself and
    I then she asked them if they wanted separate bills as well. My cousin
    asked her to give us a second. He then has the GALL to ask me why I
    was not paying because they were guests. I was SPEECHLESS but soon I was
    not. I told them it was their idea to come here and that they had some
    nerve to expect me to pay. I motioned for the waitress and she gave me
    the bill (for my part). The dubs were shaking their heads. I was like
    you are crazy if you think I am going to shell out this kind of money
    for you guys. I also told them the only reason I let them stay with me
    was because mom asked me too. My cousin was like I don't want to
    discuss this. So anyway they paid their share of the bill and we leave.
    Now this happened on the first night which was Thursday night (shouldn't
    they have been at KH?).

    Friday morning they wanted to go to the gym. Mom told them all about
    it and how it was practically a country club. I can get in 2 guests for
    free on my membership so that meant one would have to pay a $35 fee to
    get in. They were squabbling among themselves who would pay the fee.
    I shit you not they asked the attendant to pick a number between 1 &
    100 and whoever was the furtherest had to pay to get in. I was

    After the gym they wanted to go see some of the sites so we went site
    seeing. They were acting all spiritual and tried to witness to people.
    They were not given the time of day. So Friday night they wanted some
    wholesome entertainment so I took them to what I considered a PG-13
    comedy club. Big mistake. The first comedian used the word bitch and
    ass. Oh dear. They said they wanted to leave. I told them to leave if
    they wanted but I was staying. They stayed but were pissed about it
    even though they could not help but laugh at some of the "dirty" jokes.

    So we get back at around 10:00 p.m. and they proceed to tell me that I
    am the worst host that they will not be coming back. I was like you
    promise??? Then my cousin said he was going to tell my mother about how
    I acted. PSSTTT!!!!! I am so scared.

    So today they asked me if they could stay until Sunday. I asked them
    why they would want to stay with such a terrible host and I replied they
    had over stayed their welcome and no they could not stay another night.
    Oh boy did they let me have. They said I made them feel unwelcome from
    the minute they got there and they did not know how my mother put up
    with me and why she tries so hard to stay in my life. I told them they
    were freeloaders and had stuck their noses up in the air at me since we
    were small children and always made me feel unwelcome when mom would
    take us to CA to visit them. They then said we had nothing in common
    because I was not spiritual and had an attitude problem. They left. They
    are gone and they will no longer be welcome in my house. Good

  • kgfreeperson

    It must feel very good to know you will never be expected to do that again! Good for you!

  • myself
    They then said we had nothing in common

    because I was not spiritual and had an attitude problem

    I love your "attitude". I admire you for not letting them push you around.

  • Chimene

    OMG! I work with one of my best friends who is still a JW, and she had a simular situation. Only, it wasn't family. She was a free loading sister. Had her driving her everywhere, and if she wouldn't, she would say that she was being unkind. My friend who is still a very devoted JW told her what ever, you have been using me, if you feel necessary, take it up with the elders. Naturally, the biznatch didn't do it. Which tells me she knows she is in the wrong. I can't believe you put up with what you did, I would've been too weak, but good for you!

  • Legolas

    Good for you.....I probably would have kicked them in their a$$es on the way out of the door!

  • witnessscorn

    Sounds like my sister I know how you feel!!!

  • garybuss

    Ha! Thanks for the laugh! I think I got inspiration for a new Armageddon Okies letter. We don't have any restaurants that would have a $400 bill. Hereabouts we could buy a restaurant for not much more than that. We don't have any gyms or amusement parks either. For exercise we go coon huntin'. For fun we go to Dicky's. It's a grocery store and it's big. It's got two cash registers.

    Granny can't git to no meetings anymore cause her wound from her gall bladder operation she had in 1999 won't heal right. She keeps picking the scab off of it. The Society sends her tapes of the Watch dog magazine but we don't have a tape player anymore since three Circuit Servant visits ago.

  • blondie

    If they didn't have the balls to call me themselves, I would never have said yes; I don't care if my best friend asked me.

    I also look at how much contact they have had with me before that. If the only time I hear from people is when they need something..........


  • jst2laws

    Hello Unbeliever,

    This was good reading, thanks. Although it was a tough few days and the JW's can be wierd and ungrateful at times, it sounds like your relatives are a little extreme in this area. Sorry you had to deal with it.


    For exercise we go coon huntin'. For fun we go to Dicky's. It's a grocery store and it's big. It's got two cash registers. . . Granny can't git to no meetings anymore cause her wound from her gall bladder operation she had in 1999 won't heal right. She keeps picking the scab off of it. The Society sends her tapes of the Watch dog magazine but we don't have a tape player anymore since three Circuit Servant visits ago

    I hope you write this. I love those tales. I even have the book. http://www.freeminds.org/buss/okies.htm


  • garybuss

    Hi Steve,

    I haven't added any new ones for a while. We keep getting posts like this thread, and there might be a whole new book:-) I love the freeloading JW relatives theme. Lots of possibilities. :-) I loved the $400 restaurant tab. Hahaha!! I had that done to me by a Witness couple years ago in Arlington Texas. At the time it sucked. I did pay. Hahaha!!!

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