Wow, reading about these 'exeriences' never cease to amaze me. It reminded me of a recent phone call from my brother. Now keep in mind, this phone call was nothing
compared to what you went through however it did surprise me as it was my brother. I live far from my family and it is usually myself that spends the money to visit them,,,
only once in almost three years have I had a visit from my family. My bro calls me and lets me know he wants to visit this spring or summer. I ofcourse thought that is
a great idea as I cannot continue to afford visiting them twice a year or more. During this conversation he reminds me that when I visit I stay for free at mom and dad's house or
even at my bro's house. Following that point he then reminds me that my apartment isn't big enough for him and his wife to stay and that I should put them up in a hotel.
I told him he's welcome to stay here, or he can get his OWN hotel room. He didn't pursue the issue after that,, Personally I think he was 'testing the waters' to see
what he could get out of me.
It did piss me off, but I let it slide as he did not pursue the free hotel room once I made my position clear.
In the end I wasn't all the surprised about his proposal,, Between myself, my sister and my brother,,, my bro is the one that is the 'strong spiritual' one so it only seems fitting he
would play the part of the typical spiritual witness.