Would there be anyone who know the of World Wide Church of God, their founder HW Armstrong was an ex JW?
HIstory of WorldWide church
by Stewart75 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't know about Herbert Armstrong's origins, but the WWCG has an interesting history of reformation from controlling cult to mainstream church. They took a major drop in attendance and finances to do it. But I bet the leaders sleep better at night.
Yes I have noticed it, especially the last ten years (get those figures from my mother)- drop in attendence and in finance..
Born and grew up in WCG.. but havent attended for past 10 years..
Some ex WCG leaders have created other organisations - Unitied Church of God, Global Church of God
Yes, there will always be a hard core who actually liked the cult aspects better. I imagine if the WTS were ever to go soft, the same thing would happen. I heard that the Branch Davidians were another splinter group of milennialists that include the WWCG, Seventh Day Adventists, and the JW's.
Herbert W. Armstrong was never a JW. He might have read the WT and borrowed ideas from them or he might have borrowed them from the same place the WTS did.
he might have borrowed them from the same place the WTS did.
I always assumed that he borrowed them from the WT. Heard a rumor that the WTS sued him once for presenting a sermon on TV that was verbatim from the WT. I suppose it is possible (maybe probable) that the WT borrows from others.
It was rumoured that H Armstrong was an ex JW- It is JW's claim, they also claimed that WCG was a sect breaking away from JW organisation. Followed most of Jewish's rules - keeping holy days - 'Day of Antonement, Feast of Tabernacles, Sabbath, was disallowed eating non clean foods 'pork, Ham, Rabbit etc.. Partial from war, voting was disallowed..
They didnt have trinity in their beliefs, until they came to 'light' and now accepts the beliefs of the trinity.
I read that he wasn't interested in religion till his 'wife' studied the bible with a neighbor!
Mr. Armstrong's Spiritual Beginnings
Mr. Armstrong was married to Loma Dillon in 1917. He was in advertising until 1926. He wasn't interested in religion, the Bible or anything else not related to his advertising career, until his wife began studying the Bible with a neighbor. One day the neighbor lady started a Bible study by asking Mrs. Armstrong to turn to specific scriptures and read them. She had Mrs. Armstrong do this, for many scriptures, for almost an hour. The neighbor offered no commentary or explanation, she just asked Loma to read aloud a series of Biblical passages. After awhile Mrs. Armstrong was amazed to discover the Bible taught Sabbath keeping on the 7th day of the week. She became convinced the scriptures were telling her that she had been keeping the wrong day as the Sabbath. She became very excited and decided to start keeping the Sabbath on the 7th day of the week as opposed to the first day of the week. This news did not thrill Mr. Armstrong! Out of the blue his marriage seemed in trouble. He decided the best course of action was to study the Bible and prove his wife was wrong.
Deputy Dog
...but the WWCG has an interesting history of reformation from controlling cult to mainstream church. They took a major drop in attendance and finances to do it. But I bet the leaders sleep better at night.
Don't be to sure, what happens when their next leader wants to go back? They are still structured like a cult! They have a way to go.
D Dog
This would be very unlikely,
During the past 10 years, the Worldwide Church of God believe they have developled with unprecedented growth in doctrinal understanding and in sensitivity to the world around us, especially other Christians. Yet the scope and speed of changes since the death of their founder, Herbert W. Armstrong, has confounded both supporters and detractors.
Jospeh Tkach has abandoned some of older teachings, Armstrong preached that WCG doesnt support easter, xmas, birthdays, and we were to keep the sabbath days as holy, was anti trinity.
WCG now can celebrate birthdays, some even send xmas cards, many are allowed to work on the sabbath, and attend the holy days - day of atonement, feast of tabernacles - as shadow of former Armstrong's teachings. They even teach teh validity of trinity.
Those who are likely to follow Armstrong's teachings - are those from United Church of God, and Philadelphia Church of God..
WCG has since blended with other Christian with their new trinity beliefs