Jospeh Tkach has abandoned some of older teachings
Looks to me like they still have a problem with hell and eternal judgment.
D Dog
by Stewart75 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Jospeh Tkach has abandoned some of older teachings
Looks to me like they still have a problem with hell and eternal judgment.
D Dog
D Dog
"Looks to me like they still have a problem with hell and eternal judgment:"
The old WCG or the new WCG? I know the old preached quite a bit about Hell and made us fear God or we would be shunned, but as for now, it is more like, WCG teach that those will are saved by grace only.
I wondered if there are any JW who had been DF'd or voluntary left the organisation still keep the anti trinity beliefs? or did most of them come to believe in Trinity? Also come to believe that there is Hell?
The old WCG or the new WCG?
You tell me, from their current website
Hell is the separation and alienation from God chosen by incorrigible sinners. In the New Testament, hell is referred to by the terms "lake of fire," "darkness," and Gehenna (a gorge outside Jerusalem where garbage was burned). Hell is characterized by punishment, torment, anguish, weeping and gnashing of teeth, and eternal destruction. The biblical terms Sheol and Hades, often translated "hell" or "the grave," refer to the realm of the dead. The Bible teaches that unrepentant sinners will suffer the second death in the lake of fire, but it does not make absolutely clear whether this means annihilation or conscious spiritual alienation from God.
Eternal Judgment
At the end of the age, God will gather all the living and the dead before the heavenly throne of Christ for judgment. The righteous will receive eternal glory, and the wicked will be condemned to the lake of fire. In Christ the Lord makes gracious and just provision for all, even for those who at death appear not to have believed the gospel.
Then they say they condem "Universalism". I've spoken to many who still believe in the form of "Universalism" that they used to believe.