Guilty conscience

by lazuli 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    What's done is done. You two broke up some time ago. What you did before you started studying is old news and is no one's business. The elder said it himself, what you did before you came to learn the "truth" is in the past. As long as you remain chaste since learning the "truth" that's the important thing (if you accept JWism)

    So your ex-bf is a JW who broke some rules. Lesson learned: not all people who claim to be rigtheous are. But can you force people to be righteous by squealing to the elders everytime you see someone not being righteous?

    Don't worry about your ex relationships. Worry about yourself and the path that you take. As long as your satisfied with what you are doing and where you are going that should keep you content and happy.

    But before you get baptized in this religion, please do some research on in. Look past their own publications into the history of the religion, the scandals of the organization and their false prophecies. Can it stand up to scrutiny from outside their own world?

    No one can tell you what to do, you have to decide what is best for you. But when you make that decision, please make sure that you have a firm understanding of what you are getting into before its too late to turn back.

  • ferret

    lazuli Please keep your mouth shut. DO NOT CONFESS to men, you are in a no win situationif you do.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    You should realize that this is only the begining of the WT$ control over you. I am not trying to be harsh or negative, I'm just stating a fact. You are in the begining stages of their indoctrinating their belifs on not just your life as a witness but reaching into your past. As yoda said to luke 'once you start down this road forever will it dominate your existance.' Are you willing to constantly have to confess and rat out yourself as well as your friends both past, present and future.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Soon you will feel guilty for not being at every meeting, even when you are deathly ill. Soon you will feel guilty for not having a four door car. Soon you will feel guilty because you watched a movie that has the word "shit" in it. Soon you will be so self righteous that you will be guilty of running off all your friends. Eventually you will be one of the elite! Congratulations on joining the way of righteousness! Too bad you'll lose all your real friends and join with those who keep score. You will be so righteous that those in the congregation who remain human will avoid you accept for when they commend you on your superior comments at the WT study. Its lonley at the top.


  • lisaBObeesa
    However, he also said that anyone who knew of a baptized JW that had participated in such things had to confess it, and that that JW would possibly even be excommunicated...

    Is this the life you want? Do you believe this is RIGHT and GOOD? To go around telling on your brothers and sisters? To have your brothers and sisters watching you for any slip they think they see and then feeling obligated to tell these men who hold your very life in their hands? Is this love? Is this even our place? Is this what the Jesus asked us to do?

  • daystar

    If you believe that it's the Truth, then you are obligated to report him if he does not come forward himself.

    However, it's not, and you aren't. Run, very quickly, in the opposite direction.

  • kid-A


    Before getting any deeper into this cult. I URGE you to PLEASE perform background research located on

    Think about it, you are already having to deal with this bullshit before even being 'baptized' and permanently becoming property of watchtower corporation.

    Run away from this, reclaim your life. There are tons of other fish in the sea.

  • LittleToe

    Some good advise on this thread.

    Be warned that the WTS has a book that portrays a sanitised version of it's history (a big green book called "Proclaimers"), which isn't going to be effective research for you. After all, if you read all the literature produced by the Hitler Youth on their history, you'd assume they were paragons of virtue...

  • Honesty

    Continue your studies with the Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Get baptised into the spirit directed organisation instead of being baptised in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

    Your life will be forever changed.

    The Watchtower will be your master and owner.

    You will be enslaved to an organisation that claims to follow Jesus but in all reality denies Him by their words and actions.

  • lucifer

    I think the key words here were " can someone help me OUT" as in getting out of the borg before you're sucked in

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