Whilst Christians like to portray Jesus as the supreme example of love and mercy ( as opposed to a supposedly wicked 'Watchtower god' ), does the Bible's presentation of Jesus cast him in quite the same flattering light that Christians like to believe? For instance, at Revelation 19:15 Jesus is described as 'smiting the nations and ruling them with a rod of iron and treading the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.' Does Jesus sound just as bad as the 'wicked Watchtower god'? Would you want Jesus as a friend?
Would you want Jesus as a friend?
by scout575 58 Replies latest jw friends
IP_SEC: Is the Jesus of the gospels really as wonderful as you like to think? At Matthew 25:41 he says to those who don't do his bidding: "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the Devil and his angels." Doesn't he sound alot like the 'wicked Watchtower god' here too?