I know countless lovely people who don't accept Jesus as their saviour and yet JESUS in the GOSPEL OF JOHN tells me that they face the 'wrath of God' (John 3:36 ). I'm not sure I want Jesus as my friend.
Think about it like this:
You and I and every other human who was, is and will be are born sinners. We also are inclined to sin by our nature. Since God is Holy, He cannot allow sin into heaven. Therefore, we are all condemned sinners who deserve to face God's wrath because of our sinful nature.
God made an escape plan for us because of His love for the human race through the shed blood of Jesus. Jesus paid the price for our sins and won victory over death on the cross in 30 A.D. God gave humans free will. We can accept Jesus' sacrifice as a gift or we can reject it. It's entirely up to each one of us to make our own decision. It's all pretty simple.
John 3:36 The one who believes in the Son has eternal life, but the one who refuses to believe in the Son will not see life; instead, the wrath of God remains on him.