Please note - This is from the DPI. You will first see my Email I received from Ms. Oca and then the first of three attachments. The first one is called "Application.doc". The document was sent to me in as WORD file so its format really sucks but I want to get it out. The next POST I make will have the "required applications materials" form and the "criteria for association" form.
To all people who want original copies of these forms, I will send these three documents to dungbeetle and then she can distribute them to whoever wants them. I have requested dungbeetle to get them to Kent so he can post them (if he is interested) at the Watchtower observer. Maybe, other Watchtower observers can contact dungbeetle and post the original documents on their web sites too!!!!
First the Email from Ms. Oca to little old me
Dear Mr. hawk,
Further to our telephone conversation today I am attaching a copy of
the application form to be filled by NGOs who wish to be associated with the Department of Public Information (DPI) at the United Nations as well as the criteria for association and the required application materials.(See attached file: Application-Form.doc) (See attached file:Criteria-for-association.doc)(See attached file: Required-application-materials.doc)
Thank you for your interest in the activities of the United Nations.
Isolda S. Oca
Information Officer
DPI/NGO Section
Application-Form.doc (Note to readers this is in a "Word file" format and thus I am editing so we can read it. Therefore please see Kent's site or those who have received the actual forms and posted it on their web site so they can see what the actual form looks like. This will hopefully happen in the near future with the help of people like dungbeetle)
Please note that the association of your Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with the Department of Public Information (DPI) requires that you provide us with proof of your organizationƒs non-profit status and with an annual report on its activities related to United Nations issues.
(Please read each question carefully and mark the appropriate box or fill out the blank spaces in either English or French.)
Completed by: _________________________________________
Date: _______________________
1. a) Name of organization
b) Month/Year of foundation:
c) Country or countries where it is registered as a non-profit organization:
d) Year(s) of registration
2. a) Headquartersƒ mailing address:
b) Telephone:( )
c) Email:
d) Telefax: ( )
Country + Area
e) Web site:
3. Will your organization have a representative at the United Nations? No Yes
(Please note: Although is it not a requirement, it would be preferable that one of your representatives reside in the New York area in order to make full use of our NGO Resource Center.)
Main representative:
First name Surname/family name
Telephone: ( )
Telefax: ( )
Alternate representative:
First name Surname/family name:
Telephone: ( )
Telefax ( )
4. Please list the principal officers of your organization:
First name
Surname/family name
Tile/function ________________
5. Listed below are some of the most common areas of NGO activity. Please indicate, in order of importance, the threes main areas of your organizationƒs work (with ƒ±1" being the most important):
___ Ageing ___ Food problems ___ Law/Criminal justice
___ AIDS ___ Health Care ___ Literacy/Education
___ Children/Youth ___ Housing/Shelter ___ Narcotics/Drug abuse
___ Disabled ___ Human/Civil rights ___ Peacekeeping/Peacemaking
___ Disarmament ___ Humanitarian relief/Refugees ___ Population
___Discrimination/Prejudice __Indigenous people _Sust.Dev./Environment
___Economic/Social Development___ Labour/Union rights ___ Women
___ Other (please specify)
6. Following is a list of some of the most common categories used to group NGOs according to their main purpose/objectives and constituency. Please indicate which of them best describe your organization (you may check up to three):
Ĕ Academic/research Ĕ Humanitarian Ĕ Service
Ĕ Business/industry Ĕ Political Ĕ Union/labour
Ĕ Cultural Ĕ Professional Ĕ Women
Ĕ Educational Ĕ Religious Ĕ Youth
Ĕ Other (please specify) ______________________________________________________________________
7. What is the scope of your organization (check one)?
Ĕ Local Ĕ National Ĕ International
8. How many people or organizations are members of your organization?
a) Individuals: _______________ b) Organizations: _______________
9. Are you already accredited with an intergovernmental organization within or external to the UN system?
Ĕ NO Ĕ YES (please specify and indicate year of accreditation): ___________________
10. Are you affiliated with other NGOs?
Ĕ NO Ĕ YES (please specify and indicate year of affiliation): _______________________
11. What is your most recent annual budget? US$ ____________________
12. Which of the following are the main funding sources for your organizationƒs activities?
Ĕ Fund-raising activities Ĕ Membership fees Ĕ Voluntary contributions
Ĕ Government subsidies Ĕ Non-governmental donations Ĕ Sales of publications, reports,
other promotional materials
Ĕ Other (please specify) __________________________________________________________________
13. Over the last year, have you organized any activities related to the United Nations?
Ĕ No Ĕ Yes (Please describe them below and attach additional pertinent documentation)
No. of
Editorsƒ roundtables
Fund-raising events
Journalistsƒ encounters
Other (please specify)
14. Over the last year, which of your organization's activities/representatives have received media coverage or attention?(Please enclose clippings or tapes)
Name of print, radio or TV organization and date(s)
15. Please provide details below about any UN-related newsletter, magazine and/or newspaper, or website, issued regularly by your organization and attach sample copies. (For electronic information, such as Web sites, please also include a hard copy.)
Circulation / print run
16. Has your organization produced/sponsored any radio or television programmes/public service announcements over the last year?
No Yes
17. Would your organization be interested in undertaking joint information projects with the DPI on United Nations issues and activities?
Very Likely Maybe Not likely
Please specify:
18. Over the last year, has your organization been in contact with the UN Information Centre or any other UN office in your country or region? (If no, we strongly recommend that you do so).
No (Continue with question 20)
Yes (Continue with question 19)
19. If your organization has engaged, over the last year, in joint information projects with the UN Information Centre in your region, or any UN office/agency/programme, please provide details below (you may attach additional documentation):
UN office/agency/programme
Project subject or title
20. Is your organization on the mailing list of any UN office in your country or region?
No Yes (Please specify):
21. References: List four organizations (UN or others) who are familiar with your organization and its work:
Name Contact information (full address, telephone, fax, e-mail)