Do You Fear That Islamic Fundamentalists Will Start WWIII ???

by minimus 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    A lot of people are worrying about these uprisings, riots and violence being done----it seems everywhere. I've read how some feel that Europe does not have the ability as a union to fight against this. Is this like it was in Germany prior to WW!! ???

  • Robdar

    No, I fear that W and his right wing fundies will start WW3.

  • Legolas
    Do You Fear That Islamic Fundamentalists Will Start WWIII ???

    By that if you mean terrorist's .....then yes!

  • Elsewhere
  • JH

    No, we are about to have "Peace and Security"

  • minimus

    I'm sure JWs would theorize that this "could" be the beginning of the "end".

  • JH
    I'm sure JWs would theorize that this "could" be the beginning of the "end".

    I'm sure that if I was talking to active JW's, they would say that the end of all false religion is very near.

  • undercover

    The End Times are upon us. Can't you see the signs all around us?

  • Bryan

    I think it depends on whether or not Iran gets or has nukes. Other than that, no. The extremists do a lot of damage, but they just don't have the fire power to start a world war.

    I do worry though about the mind set of many Muslems in their own countries. Seeing them now (sorry, but all those in the streets are not classified as terrorists) and how they are so upset, over a cartoon, but refuse to cryout because of there own people being killed by their own people with car and homicide bombers just amazes me. I personlly think many Muslims in these countries are brainwashed just as the Witnesses are by the Tower.

    As Elsewere pointed out earlier, the Iranians have been publishing anti-Jewish cartoons and sayings forever. The Jewish people have not been in uprisings because of cartoons. Thhis is crazy... unless you are looking for a reason to rise up.

    My 2 cents.


  • Franz
    Is this like it was in Germany prior to WW!! ???

    Germany had an actual army, was basically a-religious, and were fighting for territorial gain and to regain the prestige lost at Versailles after ww1. But other than that,sure, a bunch of religious loons burning flags is just like the Third Reich. Actually EVERYTHING is like Nazi Germany! Every dictator is JUST LIKE HITLER. When a storm comes, it's just like in WW2. Every bad thing that happens until the end of time is similar to Nazi Germany, Hitler and WW2.

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