Do You Fear That Islamic Fundamentalists Will Start WWIII ???

by minimus 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    When you see the stock market take a big dive, then it's time to head for your shelters. The money people will get first notice of a coming attack- and who has a lot of money in stocks- MUSLIM OIL-RICH countries. Watch the stock market.

    peace ,I hope,


  • minimus

    I think the trick is to make sure you don't offend a Muslim.

  • Maryjane
    Robdar wrote: No, I fear that W and his right wing fundies will start WW3

    Right on!

  • Woodsman

    Speak the truth Buster. We gotta stop being so pc and start getting medevil their asses. If ever saw a bunch of muslims rioting in my town, holding up signs saying they were gonna kill my family and attack my country I'd go right home get my Benelli and start clearing the streets.

    I was ashamed for the English policeman who just stood there and watched their country and dead neighbors be mocked like that.

    It's not the way John Wayne would have done it.

    I can tolerate religous, ethnic and cultural differences but threaten my family and I have no problem taking you down. Its basic human nature and will to live. Too bad the law protects them and they know it.

  • ballistic

    What if it did turn out that a few cartoons started world war 3? Do you think the media would take any responsibility?

    If I start sending "joke" emails which are un-diverse or deride people's religions from my corporate mailbox, I can be fired. Why do the media think they can print whatever they want with impunity?

  • undercover
    It's not the way John Wayne would have done it.

    Nope, he'd apply for 3-A status (family dependance deferrment) and make movies about being at war instead of going to war.

    But, I digress...

    I agree with being tolerant of religious and cultural differences...up to the point to where they begin threatening violence and practicing violence. Then you treat them as any other group who uses violence to further their means...treat them as terrorists.

  • Maryjane

    When you see the stock market take a big dive, then it's time to head for your shelters. The money people will get first notice of a coming attack- and who has a lot of money in stocks- MUSLIM OIL-RICH countries. Watch the stock market.

    peace ,I hope,


    Right on Moshe. Check this out y'all:

  • stillajwexelder

    Which nations would be involved? This isn't like WWII where national governments sent armies against each other. Here we have extremist groups whose activities may be winked at by their home governments but will not allow them to drag them into a real war with the Western powers.

    Don't know. But lets say Iran somehow attacked Israel - eve nthough they have nothing to do with cartoons - Isareal would retaliate with Nukes -Arab neighbors would come to the defense of Iran - the US would come in on Israels side - or at least help -- -and - and it will progress from there

  • Maryjane

    Sorry...I spelled the link wrong

  • stillajwexelder

    Why do the media think they can print whatever they want with impunity?

    Because a free press is the cornerstone of Democracy

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