Okay adam and eve lost their perfection because of adam's sin, his eternal life. so why do animals die? I am such an animal lover. They were in the garden, they didn't sin. Did they also have eternal life in the beginning? Nobody knows but I would love to hear your opinion.
What about the animals?
by one bad apple 11 Replies latest jw friends
Even when I was a little kid, I never understood how we were supposed to believe that it wasn't natural for humans to grow old and die, but at the same time believe that it's normal for every other animal to grow old and die, even in the new system. I bet most witnesses don't really feel right about that one.
I have yet to come across a scripture that shows animals were to live forever. Do you know of one?
Welcome OneBad Apple, love the avatar.
Dont know the answer to that. But I always had a problem with the new system thing. Ya know, the animals will all play together and stuff. The WT says they dont believe in evolution. So that means that lions always had big bad teeth right? So are they gonna have different teeth in the new system to eat straw? HUMMM.
Guess the Great White Sharks will be eating seaweed.
The Claw from the "WTF" class
God is really in a cursing mood. He even curses the snake: "Because you have done this, cursed are you above all cattle, and above all wild animals; upon your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life” – Gen 3:14 This strikes me as a rather unusual curse. First of all, the snake has been cursed above the cattle, you know – the zany ones. Why are cattle cursed? I can picture one of them looking up, mouth full of straw, and asking, “What did WE do?” (Hey,if snakes can talk, why can’t cows?) Secondly, if the snake is now cursed to go on his belly, just precisely how did snakes “go” prior to the curse? They don’t have legs. Finally, does God actually think that snakes “eat dust”?
Are arboreal snakes cursed too?
one bad apple
Yes they are for being a man whore. Thank you legolas for that scripture I guess i overlooked it.
but it's still not fair. satan possesed that snake. It makes me rethink the whole adam and eve story
This strikes me as a rather unusual curse. First of all, the snake has been cursed above the cattle, you know – the zany ones. Why are cattle cursed?
Why? Have you ever been to McDonalds? It's hamburgers they sell- the snake gets off easy- the mouth-watering serpent burger just never caught on with Ronald McDonald.
I have yet to come across a scripture that shows animals were to live forever. Do you know of one?
I have yet to come across a scripture that shows humans were to live forever. Do you know of one?
yeah, i always wondered about what the hell a serpent looked like before it was cursed to crawl on it belly...
in the new system, if there will be no sadness, tears, crying, sorrow, yadda yadda yadda... when my pet elephant dies... will i be sad? or is he going to live forever in this said new system, hmmmm?