Hey Super Becka, I might get a Pepsi in a bit, it is really hard to keep my eyes open.
*hands lola an ice-cold can of Pepsi*
Just in case you're too sleepy to go get it yourself. I hope you're still awake over there!!
-Becka :)
by lola28 26 Replies latest jw friends
Hey Super Becka, I might get a Pepsi in a bit, it is really hard to keep my eyes open.
*hands lola an ice-cold can of Pepsi*
Just in case you're too sleepy to go get it yourself. I hope you're still awake over there!!
-Becka :)
hey Becka, I think I dozed off for a second which is not good cause I am at work
Open the window and take a few breaths of fresh air. With more oxygen in the body you should feel that your energy is returning and you become fully alert.
Do some binary. 1010111010 = what?
Ooo, not a good thing, lola, it's time for some caffeine!! Or else you could try sleeping with your eyes open, just to give the impression of wakefulness. Maybe try a stroll around the office. ...Hey, don't doze off again!! *pokes lola*... *pokes lola again*
Or maybe you have a really dull job and it's time to find a new one.
Ooo, you're on the west coast, too, so you're only half-done your day yet!!
-Becka :)
I am doing my best to stay awake, but it is so hard, i need to get more sleep.
Hey stop poking me, geeze I don't tell you about the billboard and this is what I get?
*poke poke*
Hey, just lookin' out for ya, wouldn't want you to get fired for sleeping on the job you know.
-Becka :)
LOL Becka, next time I see the billboard on your back I will let you know
Thanks, I appreciate it. And just for that, I'll stop poking you.
Hey, want another Pepsi?? If you ask really nice, I'll share my stash with you. Not everyone gets to share my Pepsi, you know, that stuff is like gold to me, so you must be something special.
-Becka :)
Damn Lola , you still at work ? No wonder you are so tired , you never go home .
Poor girl but this ain't nuttin that a bunch of naked singing telea grammars can't fix. Lola Lola your so fun , you make the work place so much fun ,,,Rah Rah