Ohhhhhhhh Becka you never told me you had a stash please do share (:
KLS I swear I think I'm gonna die in my office, I should just sleep here, why bother going home? Hmmm, now all i need is a fluffy pillow................
by lola28 26 Replies latest jw friends
Ohhhhhhhh Becka you never told me you had a stash please do share (:
KLS I swear I think I'm gonna die in my office, I should just sleep here, why bother going home? Hmmm, now all i need is a fluffy pillow................
Sorry it took so long to come back . I know how bored you are at work so i made coffee and got a bag of Fritos to make your work experiance more enjoyable for me
lol KLS thanks for caring.....................
So what are you up to today?
Up to today ,,,,,,,well lets see ,,,,,,,,,I went shopping and then came home to let the dogs out and one came home with a Decayed carcass of something . Gawd was it gross
I am also protesting tonight and not cooking cause i figure if ya keep feeding the herd ,they keep coming back . No food no herd ,,,,,,,,,,,,,i hope
I love the way you think KLS
Ohhhhhhhh Becka you never told me you had a stash please do share (:
Ahh yes, I do have a stash, I keep it hidden under my desk (with a few in the fridge to keep them cold) for when I'm working on a paper and I just can't go on anymore. Only very special people get to share in my Pepsi stash, I'm a diehard Pepsi addict and I don't generally share willingly.
But since you've been having a long day at work, I think you merit a share in this stash.
*pushes a couple of ice-cold Pepsis across the desk to lola*
-Becka :)
Sweet, any one that would share Pepsi with me has to be super cool.