What makes this latest Watchtower particularily dumb? Well, let's see.
Take a look at this gem:
" ...would a Christian who is a self employed contractor bid on a job that involves painting one of the churches of Christendom and thereby
share in helping to promote false religion?" (pg. 24)
How about congregations that sell their old Kingdom Halls to churches? When I objected to this as an elder, I was told it was
OK with the Society!
The study articles in this issue repeat the phrase "false religion" and "false worship" over and over again - but then offer up this
precious thought:
"We certainly do not use derogatory terms to describe people of other religions" (pg 31)
Like what exactly? "False religion"? "False Worship"?
The article says that false religion "has prostituted herself by forming alliances with one political power after another".
Since the metaphor here is that of a harlot, I would note that most prostitutes perform in exchange for hard cash.
However, when the Watchtower was exposed in an alliance with the UN, they offered the excuse that they needed
access to UN documents. When have you ever heard of a prostitute whoring herself for a library card?
Finally, how many Witlesses will actually ask themselves, "what is false religion? Wouldn't it be a religion that teaches false
things? Could it be a religion that repeats lies?" Isn't that entirely reasonable?
Then, into what category does the Watchtower Society fall, after its 120 year history of false prophecy in saying that
Armageddon is "Soon"? If they have been dead wrong across more than a century, in setting dates and encouraging
false expectations, how can they pretend to be anything except false religion? Does "false" MEAN false?